The Club

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-Chapter 20-
Bree's POV

There we were, right outside the club we used to go to before everything happened.

"Are you okay?" Carl asked me, making me realize that I was totally zooned out

"Yeah, I just- the line is so long, maybe we should just head back home" I said scared of how I could react towards the memories that being inside would unlock.

"Line? Baby since when do people like us stand in line? That's for losers"

I knew he was acting all cocky just to make me smile, what totally worked but I couldn't let him notice nor let him get away with calling me baby.

"Baby? I think you meant to say bestie, didn't you?" I said purposely annoying him

"You should be grateful you're cute cause you're really getting on my nerves with all that bestie thing"

"And you should be grateful that you get to call me friend after I went to juvie for you while you cheated"

"Wait, are we really fighting?"

"Nah I was just kidding. Love to make you uncomfortable bestie"

"Ugh. Let's go in before you call me bestie one more time cause I will not be able to take it without alcohol on my system"

"Why not bestie? What's the matter?" I jokingly said making him roll his eyes at me.

"Something wrong with your eyes best friend?"

"I swear Imma murder you Breeana" he said with a full smile on

"Oh come on you love me"

"Yes I do" he said as he walked away from me and into an alley "And?" he said looking at me since I wasn't following him

"I'm really getting murder vibes in here bestie. I thought you were just kidding when you said that"

"Bree I swear if you don't stop"

"Alright alright. But are you gonna tell me what are we doing in here? Don't get me wrong I know allies are kinda our thing but if you had told me earlier this was the plan I wouldn't have worn this dress"

Carl laughed at me and then light up a cig

"Okay... so you're not gonna tell me why were here?"

"We are here to wait"

"Wait? And why can't we do that somewhere nicer? Like in line with the rest of the people...?"

"Juvie really did make you boring-er"

"Hey that's not even a word"

"Oh my god so boring"

"Hey!" I said punching his arm. Then a door from the side of the club opened and Carl took me into his arms covering my mouth.

"That's our entrance. Shh" he whispered in my ear making my whole body want him in ways friends shouldn't do.

We stood there watching how the servers went in and out of the club as they moved boxes of booze. Once the last one of them was getting back in we made our move.

"That was brilliant Carl" But I had called victory way too soon because it looked like someone was coming back into the deposit. 

I looked at Carl and he looked at me. We didn't know wether to laugh or start praying that we didn't get our asses kicked out. And that was when Carl had another brilliant idea: he kissed me.

The kiss lasted less than 10 seconds. No tongue. Just our lips locked together bringing back a huge flow of emotions I hadn't felt in a while. Kissing him was different. I really feel the love and connection whenever he touches me, unlike when Tyler does...

"Oh" The guy said reading the room, understandign that he was clearly interrupting "I'm sorry to disturb guys" he continued in a low shy tone "but you can't be back here" 

"Oh shit" Carl pretended to be very nervous so I followed with the acting...

"Are we in trouble Sir?" I said with my best good girl tone

"Oh no, please. I'm not here to ruin your night guys, but you should probably go kiss somewhere else cause if my manager where to come and see both of you here, he'll have you guys kicked out and fire the whole crew for allowing this"

"Ohh, guess we'll have to go back to the dance floor. We are really sorry"

"There's nothing to worry about. Just don't let it happen again" he said and we nodded as we walked away.

"Damn that was pretty easy" Carl said to me as the music began to feel louder and louder

"Yeah but you didn't have to kiss me" I said punching his arm

"Hey you were the one who wanted to go clubbing. We are here now aint we?" he said and I rolled my eyes.

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