Moving day

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-Chapter 11-
Bree's POV

As soon as I left Mandy's house I went to my place cause I figured out it was for the better: Tyler wasn't home yet so I could pack my bags in peace and later on say my goodbyes to everyone (which was basically the Gallagher, Mickey and Tyler)

Before going home I stopped by the mall to buy a bag big enough for all my stuff to fit in.

As I was folding my clothes memories flashed by me. The dress I wore for my first day with Carl, the clothes I had on when I met him, the jean I was wearing before juvie, everything was there, my whole life in a pile of clothes.

My melancholic moment was quickly shit down as I heard a loud bang on the door. As I approached the living room I saw Tyler walk in with an empty pack of beers on his hand, ready to drop dead on the couch.

"You drove like this? Ty you're drunk!"

"Bree?" he said surprised. I had forgotten that I went a week without coming home since I was almost dead on Carl's bed.

"Rich told me what happened I thought you were back in jail" he said as he walked up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"I'm fine really" I said trying to let go off his right grasp. I had never been the strongest female but right now I was still weak from the drugs.

"Ty, you're hurting me"

"Oh I'm sorry babe, it's just that I've missed you so much" he almost cried on his drunkness "Where you'd been?"

"Carl helped me after I passed out"

"Carl?" his expression completely changed

"Yeah, he couldn't take me to the hospital since the police were looking for me, but he took really good care of my health on his own"

"I could've done that"

"And I wouldn't know, I was passed out the entire time"

"You were passed out? So God knows what he did to you!"

"Ty, he would never"

By this point he was raging.

"Anyways there's something I've got to tell you"

"Are those bags? He asked ignoring me as he peeped into the room.

"That's what I was trying to tell you"

"You're leaving?"

"I am"

"After all I did for you, you're leaving me for him!" He said and then proceeded to slap me hard across the face.

My cheek burnt from the pain and my body froze at the unexpected reaction. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I could just see Tyler's face. He was just as shocked as I was, like his hand had betrayed him.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to" he said and began crying. Literal tears were coming out of his eyes like waterfalls, what broke my heart.

"I know you didn't mean to Ty, it's okay" I said as I laid on the floor next to him, where he had began to suffer a panic attack.

"Bree I love you so much I don't want to lose you!" he kept on explaining.

Seeing him this hurt was painful, even more painful than receiving a slap.

I knew that it wasn't his fault,he just failed at thinking before doing things sometimes.

"Please stay with me Bree. Please tell me that you'll stay with me"

"I will"

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