Stop saving me

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-Chapter 9.3-

I woke up to people yelling at each other but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

Remembering what had happened I got conscious about my surroundings. The room was dark but the smell was so particular I immediately knew where I was. Carl's room. Of course it had to be Carl who saved me.

I got up with the bed with all my strength but felt to the floor. My legs were weak and my head felt heavy.

The yelling kept going on but know I can actually understand every word of it

"Why is she still here Carl?" Kassiddi's annoying ass voice echoed through out the house

"You know why Kass. She's sick! I can't just leave her on the streets!" Carl yelled back at her

Wait.. were they fighting about me? And.. he was defending me.

"And why not Carl? You haven't spend a single minute with me the whole week! You just sit by her side holding her precious little hand when you could be holding mine!"

Wow. He really did that? I'm blushing right now.

"Cause I care about her Kass" Carl said giving up "And if you have a problem with that, you know where the door is"

"Uh, I-I, um, Carl you-you can't, um UGH I HATE YOU" Kassiddi said and there was a loud bang that made the walls shake

Carl walked in the room and I quickly tried to get back to bed and fake that I'm still asleep but he saw me right when I felt, again.

"Bree!" he exclaimed as he saw me on the floor.

"Care to help me up?" I laughed the situation off but Carl didn't. He was worried and I knew he was angry at me but luckily he was happy I didn't die so he wouldn't scream at me.

"You didn't have to" I weakly said

"Of course I had, you can't stand by yourself yet"

"No I didn't mean it like that"

"What you mean then?"

"Save me again. You always do" I said shyly looking at my feet

"Well that's what you don't understand, even though you hate me now, I'll always be there for you"

"But you shouldn't have fought your girlfriend over me"

"Hey, don't say it like that, you know it's not like that"

"Yeah, I know but still"

"Being there for you means defending you too, you know?"

"Thank you" I said laying back on the bed because my head was pounding like crazy "Did I heard correctly, I've been here for a week?"

"Yeah, I was getting worried that you wouldn't wake up but your breathing was fine"

"Carl I could've been brain dead and you didn't take me to a hospital!"

"The police are lookin out for you and your friends so no I didn't. Plus, this it's the longest you've been here since juvie" he laughed. That small sweet laugh I've missed so much

"Thank you"

"You already said that"

"It's just that I'm really thankful to have you Carl. I-I've missed you"

"I've missed you too Bree"

"So are we cool now? You won't lash out again right?"

"I don't know about that, but yeah we're cool, we can even be friends know. I mean, you saved me so I kind of owe it to you"

"Oh, um" Carl hesitated for a moment but finally gave in "yeah I guess we could be friends"

"Friend hug?"

"Please stop using that word" he cried as I wrApped my arms around him

"What word friend?"

"Ugh you're so annoying"

"Oh I know you've missed this annoying ass"

"Yeah I did"

"You know, your voice, it was the only one I could hear while being on the dark"


"Yeah, I don't know why but it totally calmed me when I was freaking out"

"I'm glad it did" Carl said with his arms still around me

"Can we stay like this a little longer?" I asked as I felt him removing himself from the hug

"Yes please"

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