"I love you Bree"

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-Chapter 19-

Bree's POV

Jesus fuck. How could I be so stupid? I had totally forgot about that black eye Tyler gave me. If only I had looked at myself in the mirror before heading out of the bathroom. I could've totally avoided this discussion by covering the bruise up with makeup just like I did in the morning.

"Bree? Ain't you gonna say something or should I go directly kill him"

"No! No no don't. It wasn't him Carl, I-I swear"

"Do you really expect me to believe that? If it wasn't him then who the fuck was it Breeana?"

"Okay yeah, maybe it was him, but I can explain!"

"I knew it. I'm gonna kill him Bree I swear"

At this point I wasn't sure wether Carl was mad or sad. His teeth were clentched and so was his fist but his eyes said something else. His eyes seemed like something broke inside of him. As if he blamed himself for what had happened to me, and  I hated myself for making him feel that way.

"Carl don't beat yourself up. This shit happens to everyone" I said trying to comfort him

"But it shouldn't happen to you, not again"

We both sat at the bed holding each other. None of us said a word nor shed a tear but you could tell that we were there for the other. He was really feeling my pain, maybe even more than what I felt.

"I'm glad you're staying here tonight" Carl said finally breaking the silence "Actually, I'll be much happier if you stayed in here forever, away from him..."

"Carl I-I swear I'm safe at home, well at Tyler's home... this was just a little misunderstanding"

"That bruise doesn't seem little to me"

"Carl I'm serious, there's nothing to worry about"

"I really wanna believe you, I'm trying my best in here... but seeing you like this really does kill me Bree"

"Hey, don't-"

"Bree I love you"

"Oh I-"

"As your boyfriend or as a friend I still love you. I will always love you no matter what. You're my best friend in the entire world and as a friend I don't wanna see you caught up in something so toxic, so I'm just gonna ask one more time and I promise I'll never talk about it again" he said and paused "Are you telling me truth? Is there really nothing to worry about or should I go there and kill the bastard?"

The truth was that I didn't even know what I had caught myself up in. I wasn't really sure wether I was lying or not when I said: "I swear I'm okay. You shouldn't worry about this. It won't happen again"

"Alright" he said and then placed a kiss on my forehead taking me into his embrace "Do you still wanna go out?"

"Of course. I'm not gonna let a bruise ruin our night"

"Then go change. I'll ask Debbie for some makeup"


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