Baking goes on

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-Chapter 9.2-

After some hours of just standing in that corner we finally made a shit tone of money.

"Omg Bree you're amazing. Totally had those poor kids thinks you'll give them your number if they bought brownies"

"Well I actually never said that. I just met them hit on me for the sake of the sales"

"Thats the attitude we need on this team. With your looks and personality girl we'll be rich in no time" Rich said from the ground where he was laying


Day after day I found myself caught up on the same cycle. It was my new routine: waking up, cooking, fighting with Tyler about not wanting to fuck him, then coming down by the L to bake and end up making some good money.

"Bree! It's your turn to take them out of the oven" Gabby said from the couch

"Ugh I did it like four days ago!"

"Then it's totally your turn" Rich said

"But I don't wanna get up either" I cried from my chair

Yes, we spend so much time in here now that we moved in some furniture and even cleaned up the whole place.

"Alright I'll go" Rich said rolling his eyes at us "But I'm eating a brownie in return"

Gabby and I laughed and then nodded at him. Once he was back he threw the his fist in the air holding a brownie on his hand.

"And this is all mi-" Rich was cut off by fucking police sirens

We all froze there and began looking at each other not knowing what to do until I finally spoke up: "Run!"

The three of us rushed through the basement door and out of the house avoiding the officers who were coming in from both front and back doors.

"There's my car! Get in!" Rich screamed pointing at a red mustang

"You really drive this? Wow!" I said in awe "I can't believe you bought a car like this from selling pot brownies"

"Yeah yeah just get in already"

Rich's hand was shaking like crazy as he tried to start the car but he was so desperately trying that the key felt to the floor and into his mess

"Oh fuck fuck fuck"

"Just move" I said and worked my magic

"Did you just start my car without the keys?"

"I thought those things only happened in movies" Gabby laughed

"Some benefits from going to juvie. Now drive!" I said and Rich got us the hell away from there

"Where to?" he asked me

I took a deep breath and said "My house"

"Are you insane? That's like on the other side of the city"

"Not Tyler's house. Mine" I said bravely not giving a shit about the Gallagher's being my neighbors

"Let's go then"

We got to my house and we could still listen the police sirens so we decided to cover up Rich's car and get inside.

"So we're not selling anything today are we?"

"Could you save some brownies?" Gabby asked him

"Hell yeah. But maybe we should wait until the cops chill a bit"

"Then let's eat some in the meanwhile" Gabby said snapping the brownies of his hands

"I like how that sounds" Rich said as they both eat one piece

"Go ahead. You can eat one too" Gabby told me as she handed me one

"I don't really" I said and then paused. One little brownie won't kill me, I thought "you know what? Fuck it. Pass that shit"

I don't really know what got into me but I decided to do it. All I could think about was fuck Carl. Fuck him and fuck him being my neighbor. I'd rather be completely stoned if he dares to come to my home.

"So, since when are you dating our homeboy Tyler?" Gabby asked with that gentle and caring smile of hers

"They ain't dating Gabby" Rich exclaimed "Tyler wouldn't be seeing-" Gabby cut him off by punching him in the chest hard with his small fist

"Wouldn't be seeing who?" I asked

"Oh no o e, don't worry about it" Gabby said.

On a normal situation I wouldn't have let them free without telling me what they were going on about, but I was so fucking stoned at the moment that I couldn't connect the dots and realize, he was cheating on me.

"Oh I wanna try one!" I said standing up towards Rich and the cookies, tripping over everything in my path.

The floor seemed to be shaking and their voices were distorted as they echoed in my ear.

"Have two" Rich said putting them both in my mouth

After some minutes everything began to feel just... good, everything felt so tingly, like my nerves were supercharged, and feeling the clothes on my skin was insane.

I kept on eating the brownies I made because they tasted AMAZING. Every little bite I had seemed to be amplified but muffled at the same time. Everything I thought of saying, I WOULD actually say it (not like I didn't before though). Every unspoken thought I had, was coming out of my mouth. Music sounded absolutely beautiful, videos and movies Gabby showed me took a whole new meaning. My creativity went literally nuts on me, as in, I could randomly plummet into my mind, and think insane thoughts and zone out for what seems like an hour, but turns out to be like five minutes. I was feeling incredible, until I stopped feeling at all.

My vision suddenly turned black. I could feel and hear everything around me but not actually see it. I felt like I was flying and my soul was slowly leaving my body.

The many brownies and cookies I had taken were making me laugh at this but deep down I was worried sick. What if I had gone blind due to so much marihuana?

Laying on the floor with Rich's body next to me taking my pulses and repeatedly talking to me I heard a knock on the door followed by Gabby shouting "I'll go!" all cheerful as always

"What if it's the cops?" I thought, but there was not much I could do about it. By now I was even loosing my hearing. I was drifting into a complete blackness as I felt totally numb and tired.

"Bree! Bree can you hear me?" I was being shaken by someone who's voice was so familiar to me but I was so fucked up that I couldn't realize who it was.

"She's fine dude chill"

"Don't fucking tell me to chill dude" the deep voice said taking me up in his muscled arms "You should all leave I'm taking her with me"

"Yeah it's time to go sell Rich"

That was what I heard despite from a loud breathing next to my ear which I assume it came from the person who was carrying me. Tyler maybe?

"You'll be fine baby. You'll be fine" he kept on saying

Still numb I felt the pair of arms around me tighten its grip as we entered somewhere. My head was filled with murmurs I couldn't understand as we entered that place.

The voices seemed to shut up as I was being taking to the upper floor of the house? Was I in someone's house or was I still flying?

"Fuck. I promise you'll be fine baby" the voice said placing a kiss on my head and laying me on a bed

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