Chapter 8

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"Are you okay? You are acting weird."

Prem ignored Boun's question and continued with his breakfast. This worried Boun, so he walked over to Prem and turned off the stove and took his hands, "What is going on? You are worrying me. Did anything happen during exchange program?" Prem felt heated and was shaking, worried about how he is going to tell his brother that he saw his image in his head while kissing someone else. He had to come up with a lie for Boun to stop worrying, "I just wanted to come back home, nothing much". 

Although Boun could feel that there was more to what Prem was saying, but because he saw how uncomfortable Prem was, he decided to let it go. The boys had their breakfast, Boun took a shower and went out to meet up with his friends. He told them about how he is worried about Prem and that he is scared that something major may have happened during the exchange program. His friends told his to give Prem some time and that he will talk when he is ready. Boun hated the kind of feeling he had: feeling helpless. On the way back home, Boun was thinking the worst: "What if Prem was mistreated or even something to the deeper level?" He could not stop thinking about the change he saw in Prem. He had to come up with a plan to find out how to help Prem get over whatever he was going through, as not only was he worried about Prem as a brother, but he was also worried about him as a lover. 

At home, Prem was freaking out about how to tell Boun that he has feelings for him, as he knew that he could not keep that secret for long. Also, the sooner he did it, the better as that will give them enough time to figure out a way forward after that. This was not going to be easy, but it had to be done. That night, Prem practiced his lines in front of the mirror so that he knows exactly what to say to Boun when he gets home. 

When Boun got home, Prem asked him to please sit down. 

"Are you okay?"

"I am okay, I just want to tell you something."

Prem took a deep breath, and started talking. "When I was at the other school, I met someone called Duen. He was nice and took care of me as he was my host. The last day of the programme, we went out with his friends to drink as my farewell celebration."

"Okay, and?"

"Well...that is not all that happened that night," Prem said softly.

Boun was started to get agitated. His love for Prem was making him get jealous of his thought of Prem and the "so-called host" of his. "What if Prem has fallen in love? How will I be able to handle that?" These were the questions that Boun was asking himself. 

"Duen and I kissed and..."

Boun did not even want to hear the rest of the story, so he left before Prem could finish his sentence. His fear seemed to come true so he did not even want to hear it. He went straight to the bar to drink away his thoughts. He felt like the surface could open so that he could jump in. The thought of Prem loving someone else was hurtful to him. Finally when he was planning to confess then this happens. 

"The universe must be against me."

Boun drank more that he usually does on that day. He was sitting on the table far away from other people. He simply just wanted to drink on his own. 

*Prem calling Boun's friend*

"Do you know where Boun is? I was telling him something and he stormed out. He even left his phone and his car keys so I can't even track where he is."

Boun's friend went to the bar they usually go to when they want to drink away their problems. He saw Boun sitting at the dark corner drinking alone. When he went closer to the table, he saw Boun's eyes shining, full of tears. He instantly knew that it was going to be difficult to make Boun go home, so he decided to sit down and join him while getting Boun to say what happened. While they were drinking he got to find out that Boun had feelings for Prem. Was he surprised? No. Why? Because the three months that Prem was in another school, he was all Boun could talk about. 

"Prem found a boyfriend in another school. He left for three months and came back with his heart belonging to someone else. Now, how will I be able to accept that he has found love somewhere else, when I know very well that I love him too?"

Boun looked defeated, and that was not nice to see for his friend. When he was too tired to even do anything, his friend took him home. When they got to the house, he saw Prem sitting outside in the dark, waiting.

"It is cold, why would you sit outside, in the dark without even wearing a jersey?"

"I was worried about Boun, I did not even feel that it is cold."

"Boun is really broken, just let him sleep and he will talk to you when he is ready."

After the friend left, Prem put Boun to bed and went to sleep. A few minutes after he had entered his room, he heard a knock. When he opened the door, Boun already went in. Boun's eyes were full of tears.

"You left me for just 3 months, and you come back to tell me that you have a boyfriend. What about me, why don't you love me instead?" , Boun said, drunk.

"He is not my boyfriend."

Boun shouted "BUT YOU KISSED HIM, PREM!!!"

"HE KISSED ME", Prem shouted back. "I pushed him away and came back home because I realised that he is not the one I wanted to kiss. I wanted to kiss...You."

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