Chapter 12

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"Prem, my love for you does not allow me to forget what he has done to you and your mother. Whatever pain you feel, I feel it too. Whoever hurts you, hurts me too."

Boun's father was glad that Boun loved his brother but little did he know, the love that Boun was talking about was not "Brotherly Love" that he thought it was. Boun did not just love his "brother", he was IN love WITH his Brother.


"I am glad that you boys now love each other as you should as brothers."

"Oh, about that. Prem and I, have something to tell you."

Boun's father was about to get the shock of his life and Boun was prepared to be rejected by his father for that as one thing he can not see himself do, is not loving Prem the way he wants to. Prem on the other hand never wanted to be the cause of a rift between father and son but he knew how stubborn his boyfriend was, so he said nothing at all.

"Dad, as you said, Prem and I love each other. Our love is a very strong and passionate love and I would not want to lose that or have to choose between that and something else because I will definitely choose Prem. No matter what."

Prem being as emotional as he is, shed a tear but wiped it off quickly before anyone could see. he wanted to respond to Boun and tell him that he loves him too, but he decided not to disturb a talk between father and son. 

"Son, I am glad that you are willing to do anything for Prem. I am also glad that your connection did not break after what I did."

Boun could see that his father did not get what he was trying to tell him so he decided that it is better to just say it as it is and stop beating around the bush.

"Dad...Prem and I have developed our relationship to a new level," he said as he was reached out to hold Prem's hand. "Prem and I are now boyfriends."

"B...Boy...Boy what?", Boun's father asked while fanning himself with his hand to show how shocked he was to hear those words. He could not believe what he had just heard. The more he tried processing Boun's words, the more his blood pressure would rise and before they knew it, he just fainted. Prem who knew what to do asked Boun to help him to put his father flat on the floor then Prem loosened Boun's father's tie and took off his shoes then leveled the father's legs above heart level while instructing him to breathe slowly. 

"You should have been a doctor," said Boun's father through his breathing. 

After everyone have come down, and Boun's father was okay, the serious conversation started. 

"So, when did this whole thing start?" Boun's father asked. The boys looked at each other trying to get the other to talk and after seeing that Prem was ready to say anything, Boun started talking. 

"I had liked Prem from when we were still here with his mother. I just never said anything."

Boun's father was surprised as to how long Boun has had feelings for Prem. Boun continued as he turned to face Prem, "No matter how bad I treated him, he never retaliated or anything like that. Instead, he was just calm and so kind and that is what made me fall for him." Prem was glad to hear that him being himself is the reason why Boun fell for him as that showed that Boun was in love with the real him. 

"As stubborn as he is, Boun is a very caring person. He cared for me and my mother to the point where he even risked his relationship with you for us. I did not think that I would fall for him but the way he helped me cope with my mother's passing really made me feel safe and secured. He made me feel like I was not alone in this world, and made me not fear being alone anymore. Even when he is not physically around me, I still feel his presence because he has assured me so many times that I will never be alone in this world for as long as he is still alive." Prem said as he shed a tear which Boun rushed to wipe off. 

After listening to the boys talking about how much they love each other, Boun's father had no choice but to give his blessings. He also promised that he will go and apologize to Boun's mother and Prem's mother on the graveyards. After this promise, Boun also promised to visit when he gets time.

"When you visit, bring Prem with you. He is also my son."

The boys went back to their house, and a great sleep after a beautiful dinner Boun cooked.

BounPrem : Brotherly love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now