Chapter 7

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Living together was good for the boys. Prem gets to be home with someone around, and Boun gets to be with the person he cares about the most to make sure that he is okay. The boys drove for 2 hours every day to get to school and to get home. The hour to school is usually better than the hour back, as on the way to school, the boys are still fresh and full of energy and when they go back home, they are just tired. Prem took over his mother's bedroom and Boun took over Prem's, so the house had enough space for the two of them.

As expected, Prem cooks most of the meals in the house, so to make the house chores even, Boun cleans. Once in a month, the boys go to the river where Prem's mother's ashes were released, just to update her on how school is going. Every time they visit her, Boun apologizes for not being there for Prem when the mother was sick and promises that he will forever be besides Prem no matter what happens. The last visit to the river was rather an odd one. Prem did what he usually did, tell his mother about how life is going, but Boun added something to his own usual update. He threw a coin in the river, and made a wish: "May you please give me a sign of approval regarding my feelings for your son". A few days after the visit to the river, Boun had a dream: "Boun, Prem, his mother and Boun's father, were sitting on a long decorated table, laughing and having fun". What Boun also noticed was that in his dream, he and Prem were holding hands. When he woke up, he woke up with the brightest smile he has ever had and the most happiness he has ever felt. That day, Prem was woken up with breakfast-in-bed, the house was sparkling clean, and there was no dirty laundry. Prem asked what was happening but Boun refused to tell him. He just said that "he just woke up in a good mood". This was by far, the happiest Boun has ever been in Prem's eyes, and that made Prem happy too as lately, Boun was busy with school work and was always tired.

Time went by, and the exchange program had come. Prem was one of the chosen students to go study in a different university for 3 months. That university was far from their own, therefore, Prem and the other chosen ones were given rooms on campus to live in for that 3 months. Boun did not go to another school, but he hosted a student from another school. His job was to show her around the school, be with her during classes and sit with her in the canteen during lunch. During that three months, a lot happened. Boun was excited to be a host, he even prepared a welcome present for his hostee. Boun and the other 2 hosts, decided to group themselves to get to know each other before their guests arrive. They then decided that they will sit together every day during lunch to keep the guests together as they are from one place.

The exchange program day finally came, and with Prem not being home, Boun had the whole house to himself. He woke up earlier than usual because he had to be at school early to welcome his guest. On the other side of town, Prem was also getting ready to be in another school. Entering the hall of a foreign place made him nervous. While he was still viewing the hall, and amazed by how organised, calm and quiet the students were, a group of boys came in running from outside and one of them bumped into him.

"I can do this", Prem told himself. There was a table that had a tag written "Exchange Students", and Prem went to sit there. When the Director of the varsity arrived, the boys who were chasing each other stopped, and sat down. There were supposed to be three exchange students on the table that Prem was sitting at, but there was only two. The hosts were assigned their guests, and Prem's host seemed to be shy, so one of the students volunteered to be Prem's host.

"Hey, I am Duen. Sorry I bumped into you earlier, I was chasing my friend who took something of mine that I never wanted anyone to see", the student introduced himself.

Prem being the nice person he is, he forgave him instantly and they went to class. For the first month, Prem was anxious every time it was lunch time because of the looks he got in the canteen. These looks were mostly from boys and that had him more worried. Duen had noticed this situation and one day he stood on top of the table that was in the middle of the canteen to tell the students that Prem feels uncomfortable with the way they look at him, and it would be nice and appreciated if they would stop. After that day, Prem roamed freely in the canteen with.

The last month, Duen started acting strange when with his friends after school after dropping Prem off at his dorm. His best friend waited for everyone to go home then he asked Duen, "Are you into him?". Duen was in his own little world, and his best friend snapped his fingers right before his eyes and asked again, louder and slower this time, "Are...You...Into...him?".

"WHAT! No-I'm-not". That was a very quick response, and his best friend knew that the minute Duen starts speaking fast he is either lying, or he is anxious. Duen then asked his friend why he would think that.

"Every day when we drop him off at the dorm, you stare at him until he enters the dorm and disappears. On the way back home, you do not say anything and if we ask how your day was, everything that you say is around and about Prem."

"Well, even if I like him, he is leaving in 2 weeks."

"So you are going to let him leave without knowing how you feel?"

That question roamed in Duen's mind for those last two weeks. He wanted to tell Prem how he felt, but he was scared, so his best friend decided to help him out by inviting Prem to the club on his last day as an exchange student. Everyone got drunk as it was Prem's farewell party. One person who got drunk than any other people, was Duen. His being drunk, meant that he could not keep hiding his feelings anymore so he spilled the beans. After that happened, Prem thought to himself, "My wish has come true. Someone finally told me that they love me." After the confession, Prem who was the only one sober enough to drive, drove everyone back home in Duen's car, then took home. When they got to Duen's house, Duen asked to spend the rest of the night with Prem since Prem is leaving the next day. Prem slept over at Duen's house and met Duen's sister who was the one taking care of Duen. The boys were very tired and went straight to bed, and dozed off.

Around 11pm, Duen woke up and went to the bathroom, when he came back, he saw Prem sleeping on the couch next to the bed. He went over to Prem, kneeled and started to kiss Prem. Prem who was still sleepy, kissed Duen back and the kiss became more and more aggressive, with t-shirts being taken off. When Duen was trying to unzip Prem's pants, Prem has a flash of Boun in his head and that was when Prem rolled over to be on top of Duen. He then opened his eyes, only to see that he was on top of Duen, and not Boun. He jumped off Duen immediately, and went back to his dorm. When he got there, he packed his bags, with the security sleeping, he left smoothly, and took a bus home. Duen was left surprised and scared that he might have offended Prem.

The next morning, Duen went straight to the dorms, to find Prem and was surprised that Prem had packed everything of his, and left. Boun also woke up to a surprise: Prem was cooking breakfast and the house was sparkling clean.

"When did you come back?"

"This morning, you were still asleep so I cleaned and I now I am making breakfast."

Boun was happy to see Prem, but he noticed that Prem was not okay, so he asked what was going on.

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