Chapter 14

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.....AT HOME.....

"I am going to take a shower."

"And then dinner?"

"I do not want food."

Boun took a shower and went to the bedroom. Prem also took a shower and when he went to the bedroom to get some clothes, he found Boun waiting for him.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Prem to Boun who was sitting on the bed with just sweatpants as usual. 

Boun gave Prem the biggest smile ever and pinned him against the door and said, "I am great...perfect actually."

Before Prem could say anything, Boun started kissing him and because he was enjoying it, he did not say anything. The kiss took them to bed. Boun gave Prem a look that Prem could not resist but jump on top of him. 

"You know very well what that look does to me," he said as he jumped on top of Boun. 

"That was the point."

Prem could not hold himself anymore, so he explored Boun's body with his kisses. From the lips to the neck, then down to the abs, and of course the Boun's veiny d*ck got attention too. While getting soft kisses on his neck, Boun was taken to a different dimension. At that moment, to him, it was just him and Prem alone somewhere far away. He was not used to Prem taking control during intercourse but that day he wished it had happened more. 

When Prem went down on Boun, Boun started feeling very strong sensations and the only thing he could do was moan. Prem was enjoying taking charge, he enjoyed seeing Boun in the state he was in.

"I want to feel you," Prem whispered to Boun and gave him the look Boun knew as the "bedroom eyes". The look that Prem only gave Boun when he was really h*rny. Boun switched positions with Prem and went on top. Prem, who was on cloud nine laid, on his stomach and waited for Boun to do what he does best. When his member entered him, Prem took a long deep breath in and as he breathed out, the breathing came out as a moan. Boun knew, at that very moment, that he was doing a great job. Boun did what he did best, and Prem could not have asked for anything more.

That was how their night went.


In the morning, Prem was woken up by an alarm and after he switched it off, he turned to look at the most handsome man in his eyes. Boun was nakedly sleeping so peacefully with Prem on his chest. Prem kissed Boun to wake him up for school.

"Good morning Mr. Noppanut," said Prem to Boun who woke up already smiling.

"Good morning Mr. Warut," replied Boun kissing Prem's forehead. "Can we please stay in bed today?" he continued.

Prem was confused as to why would Boun want to skip classes. "Is he that tired?" he asked himself.

"It's a holiday, let's just stay in. Please? " Boun said and that was when it clicked to Prem that it was not a school day. Of course, after realising that, he stayed in bed with his boyfriend. Boun could not stop smiling, but Prem was a bit worried about how Boun was quiet in the car the day before, he asked what was wrong.

Boun smiled at his and said, "There is nothing wrong, you should have already got that after the lovely night we had. There was no anger, unlike the other time. I was gentle this time around."

Prem did not know how to answer that, because he did feel the difference. Yesterday's intercourse had a different kind of passion. Boun was more gentle and his eyes were full of love, not anger. Seeing Prem's quietness, Boun knew that Prem was worried about him so he told him the reason why he was so quiet in the car. 

"The headmaster said I am back in the academic competitions. Apparently, someone cheated on the tests and now I am their replacement."

Right after Boun explained, Prem said, "That explains the passion, I was wondering what is going on." 

"Now that you know, wanna congratulate me?"


"Yesterday was MY celebration, now let's have OUR celebration"

Prem did not see why not, so the passion continued. Only this time, Boun was leading.

After a very eventful morning, the boys went to brunch with some friends. Their friends had traveled across town to see them and they were happy to see them. One of their friends ordered a shared meal for everyone. When they got their meal, Prem started dishing up for Boun. He was dishing up everything except for vegetables, and one of the friends asked why.

"Boun does not eat vegetables," Prem said.

"Awww...You guys are so cute." one of the friends said, and everyone laughed about it. 

The brunch was all about catching up about what has been happening since the last time they met. Boun and Prem told them about the competitions at their varsity and their visit to Boun's father. After the meal, they went to Boun and Prem's place for drinks. They were all drinking except for Prem who was just reading a book. 

"Boun, please don't drink too much, you have a class in the morning," Prem said. Boun agreed and he did as he was asked. He only drank two glasses and then drank juice with Prem for the rest of the afternoon. At around 5 pm, Prem started cleaning up as he was going to be alone the whole day tomorrow and did not want to be stuck with cleaning alone. While Prem was cleaning, Boun called a meter taxi to fetch his friends and take them home. After they left, he alerted their parents to let them know that the boys are on the way home. 

"Now go sleep, I will clean up the rest of these things"

"I will he..." before Boun could finish his sentence, Prem was already pulling him to the bedroom. When they got to the bedroom, Prem gave Boun a towel and pointed to the bathroom with a serious face. Boun did as he was instructed, he took a shower then went to bed. While he was showering, Prem was cleaning up in the lounge where the boys were sitting. When he got to the bedroom, Prem saw Boun sleeping so peacefully like a little baby. Not wanting to wake him up, he took a shower in the other room. When he went to bed, Boun snuggled upon him and cuddled him like he was a pillow. Prem gave him a good night kiss on the forehead and whispered to him, "Good night Mr. Noppanut."


A month later

The preparations for the competitions had started again. Now everyone was giving full support to the chosen ones as they will be representing their school. Teachers had extra lessons after classes with them to ensure that they know their content, coaches stayed at school till 7 pm to train their athletes, and everyone was helping wherever they can. Well...almost everyone. 

There was a boy who really wanted to distract Boun on his preparations as he wanted to be part of the provincial team. Little did he know, Boun was already one step ahead of him. One day, he told Boun the wrong dates for practice runs, but Boun did not even need to be there because he had his own personal practice runs with the teachers on weekends. 


*Please Note: Chapter 15 will be the last chapter of this book.*

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