Chapter 9: The Guard

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"Do you want a drink or anything?" The guard asked, as he sped down the highway. 

"No, I'm fine." Charlie replied, and continued looking out the window. 

"Are you sure? You've been flying for over 20 hours and you look tired." 

"I'm fine." She confirmed. To be honest Charlie was terribly tired, she had only slept for about an hour the whole trip. She hated sleeping on planes. She was afriad of the surronding people staring at her. To make it worse the person sitting next to her was an older man. He looked creepy, smelt disgusting and he just happened to be on both flights she took.

She spent the trip listening to every song she had ever owned, from Bring Me The Horizon to One Direction. She even listened to The Vamps until Bradley Simpson took over her thoughts, so she stopped listening. 

Charlie was bored, she was alone in the back seat of a massive van. She stared at every car that went past, analysing the people who drove the car. She liked to predicit their situation and their lives when they were young. This was always something Charlie did to calm herself. She would focus on other things, to distract her from the real problems.

Being left alone was the worst for Charlie. Especially with a stranger, no matter how much she knew about them.

Charlie was nervous. She was on the verge of a panic-attack.  That Bradley Simpson had her head all jumbled up. She was so anxious to know what he wanted. 

She watched as young girl, around her age drove next to the car. She had beautiful blonde hair, and tanned skin. The way she drove made Charlie feel like she was very bitchy person. She held the wheel as if she was trying to strangle it. She might have just been angry. But she looked like she had resting bitch face. Charlie found this quite funny. But then she saw her forearms. Covered in bruises and scars.  Then Charlie remembered, there's always a story that goes with the face.

This didn't make Charlie feel any less anxious.

She wished she could eat away the nervousness. Like she did with the pain, in a sense.

"We're here young lady." The guard announced. Stopping Charlie's strange trail of thoughts. The car stopped and he got out, without Charlie realising he had opened the door and was ushering her out.

She followed behind him, observing her surroundings. It was winter yet the grass was a vibrant green. The tips of the grass were frozen and had snowflakes laying ontop.

It was beautiful she thought. 

She loved the green grass, the green trees and her luscious surroundings. It was so different to Australia, where the grass was yellow in summer and the trees were barren and ugly. Winter just made everything slightly greener and cold.

"Are you okay?" The guard asked, interrupting her thoughts yet again. Charlie looked up at him. Then she realised. She was staring off into the distance.

"Sorry. I was just admiring the flowers." She replied, slipping out of her trance.

"Follow me then." He said and walked off down the gravel path.

She followed him a few metres infront, Charlie finally looked up. She saw a beautiful cottage infront of her, the old Tutor style cottage. She wanted to stop and admire it but she followed the Guard. He nodded at the lad standing out front the gate and we turned as soon as we came in.

"Through here." He mumbled.

They walked a few more metres and they approached a green hedge. She looked up at the tall guard, she read his name tag. 'Jeff'

Charlie then just realised she never even knew the guys name. Considering he just drove her for an hour to an unknown location. 

"I hope you're ready. Bradley is waiting for you." Jeff whispered.

Jeff slid his hand through the hedge and pushed it back, revealing a beautiful moonlight garden. There were candles hanging from the timber poles. A camp fire was burning in the middle with a table just to the side. There were beautiful summer flowers in pots scattered around. There was a guitar in the corner sitting next to a dark figure.

"I'll leave you two alone then." Jeff smiled, nudging her inside.

The dark figure walked into the light and smiled at Charlie. Charlie felt a million butterflies fly into her stomach. She had never felt like this before in life. Never this nervous, and all she could think was, how strange she felt.

"I'm glad you came." Said the curly haired boy, in his husky voice.

"I had no option did I?" Charlie smirked without realisation. For some reason, she acted differently around this boy. She couldn't control her thoughts or words around him.

"Well, how else was I supposed to get you here?" He laughed and got out of his chair and came over to Charlie. He slid his hand into hers, and lead her over to the table.

"Charlie Gold. I hope you don't mind. But I'm taking you on a date." He said, looking straight into Charlies Golds, light brown eyes they shone gold in the moonlight.

Charlie gulped. She'd never been on a date. "Ok Bradley Simpson." She smiled and sat down in the chair he had pulled out for her. 

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