Chapter 14: Singing again

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"Done." Charlie concluded, dropping her bass carefully to the floor and then crashed onto the couch. 

"That was really good." James complimented her, after listening to Charlie sing and play thorugh her part of the song they just wrote.

Charlie shrugged. "I guess."

Bradley laughed and came and sat next to Charlie, putting his arm over her shoulder and pulling her closer to him. Charlie frowned at him and Bradley immediantly took his arm away. 

"I can't believe we just wrote a whole song, as well as figuring out a tune and all." Brad croaked, his voice nearly gone from all the singing, and lack of tea.

"All thanks to Charlie." Connor spoke up clapping for her. Which made everyone else clap too, Charlie blushed and tried to hide her face behind her hands.

Brad kept nudging her and tried to pull her hands away from her face. "Charlieeeeeeee!" He wined, putting on a sad face.

Charlie kicked him in the shins, and got off the couch. "You're so mean." She said, and sat next to James. "Atleast James is nice to me."

Bradley crossed his arms and frowned at James. 

"Someones jealous." Tris laughed, as he walked into the room from his drumming session. His hands were red, and he was dripping in sweat.

"Well, if you guys don't mind. I've got to go." Charlie announced, getting up off the couch and eyeing Brad. She had her gig in less than 3 hours, and needed to be there soon so she could rest her voice . 

"I can't drive all of us. I just got my license." Brad informed.

"I'll drive." Joe said, walking out from the studio and headed towards the door. The rest of the boys got up and followed. 

"You're all going?" Charlie asked, as she quickly picked up her things hurried along behind them. 

"Of course!" Tristan shouted back at her.

Charlie stood in the middle of the stage, holding her guitar effortlessly. She had just finished up singing Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy. Her last song for the night.

"Thanks to everyone who came. I'm surprised we filled this tiny place, I'm so happy that we did. I am so lucky to have great fans like you that still follow me after everything that's happened. Just to confirm the rumours, I'm not rejoining the band. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the night and stay around for a bit if you want, I'll be here packing up." Charlie finished and walked off the stage into the crowd.

She could hear they boys whooping in the audience. It was only a very small venue. So she see everyone in the crowd, including Casey and her boyfriend in the front row supporting her, well more like just Casey, as her boyfriend really had no interest. 

She saw the boys at the back, sitting on a table with their manager Joe. Their photographer Dean was up in front, and on stage taking photos of her, even though she didn't ask for them. Dean just liked to take iniative. 

Charlie was now in the audience, having selfies taken with her and her fans hugging her. She was really having a good time out there. 

"Can you sing one more song?" Asked one of her fans.

"Sorry." Charlie sighed, "The place is only hired until 11, which is very soon, we won't have time."

She continued to be mobbed by her fans, as they had filled out the small space. It was only about a 400 people sized venue, and she had sold out all the tickets for it too. Which Charlie was surprised by. 

After taking photos with pretty much everyone, Charlie had made her way to the back of the room. There was The Vamps, casually taking selfies with their own fans who had come to see her. She smiled at Brad, who caught her eye.

"You did really good." He complimented her as he walked over from the boys side. "Everytime you sing, you surprise me even more."

"You know, you didn't have to watch." Charlie crossed her arms, embarrassed from what he had said.

"No, I really enjoyed it." He smiled. "Are you ready to go?" 

"No, we gotta pack up dumbass." She slapped his hand which she saw was creeping towards her.

Bradley frowned and picked up Charlie's guitar which was in her other hand. "I'll put this way for you then."

"Oi Brad, stop chit-chatting, this girl wants a photo with us," Tris yelled at him. Brad turned around and went back over to the boys.

Casey walked over to Charlie and shook her shoulders. "Charlie dude, you did epic. The guy who owns this place says he really liked it and that he will do the packing up for you. Let's go out for a drink then?"

"No, I'm fine." Charlie apologized. "I just wanna sleep."

"Of course," Casey replied, grabbing her boyfriends arm and made her way out of the venue.

Charlie laughed, and quickly went up onto the stage and picked up her bag, and cords and went back down to the boys. All the people had left the venue and it was just them left. 

"You did amazing up there." James, Tris and Connor congratulated her all at the same time.

"Thanks." Charlie nodded, giving her stuff to Bradley for him to carry.

"Fine, I'll just carry everything." He frowned at her.

"What are friends for then?" Charlie nudged him.



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