Chapter 13: Writing

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"So Bradley bear? How was it?" Tristan cooed as Bradley walked into the studio. Bradley flicked his curly hair behind his ear and poked his tounge out at Tristan.

"It was good. But she acted very awkward." He replied, taking a seat next to Tris on the couch.

"That's all? How about the kiss?" James asked, looking up from his phone, suddenly interested in other peoples drama. 

"I didn't kiss her." Brad sighed. "She's not ready for any of that."

"How could anyone resist my Bradley?" Tristan frowned slapping Brads leg. 

Bradley didn't know what to say next, he looked over at his friends. James was watching him, Connor was too. Tris was the most immature one in the group, and suprisingly the only one with a girlfriend. 

"She's different isn't she?" James wondered. "From what Shania and Jason said about her, I can tell she's a bit of a weird one."

Bradley nodded at him. "She is a bit weird. But there is just something about her."

James looked at Bradley. "I know what you mean."

Ofcourse James knew, he was the one in the group who had a lot more experience with girls. But no always good, he had trouble with girls, he had so many girls steal his heart and break it, Brad wondered why he hadn't given up. But James was a fighter and kept going. 

"Different is a way to put it." Bradley said. "She's acts like another person on stage, with her friends and with me. I want to know who she really is. I'm still trying to figure her out."

He really wanted Tristan to say something inappropriate but he didn't, to break the awkward conversation. But eitherway, Bradley didn't like simple girls, and Charlie wasn't simple. He didn't really know how complicated girls were until now. The moment he saw her board that plane really changed his life. She had caught his eye.

"Boys. It's time to write." Joe announced as he walked into the room, the manager went and slapped the boys knees with his clip board and pushed them off into the other room. 

After a few hours of writing, mucking around and drinking tea the boys had put together a little song for their next album. Their first one was a huge success, so they had to work extra hard on the next one. They still needed to write a whole lot more, and they wanted to get in some other singers to add a bit more variety to the music. 

Bradley thought that he might even bring in Charlie to help them with writing a song or two as she was very good at it. Bradley had shown the band the songs she wrote and sang, which he found on her old myspace profile from way back. The boys were impressed, and liked the idea. It was just up to Charlie to see if she wanted to come along. Bradley had his doubts, but he knew that she might say yes.

Bradley got out his phone, which he hadn't touched in a few hours, and opened up his messages. Their were so many... As usual... But he opened up Charlie's number, which he was yet to text and messaged her.

'Wondering if you wanted to write a few songs with us tommorow? It would mean a lot to us if you said yes'

It had been a week since they had talked, and Brad hoped she hadn't forgotton about him as he was hoping she would text him first. But she didn't so Bradley decided he'd give her time, since she must have been busy, since she hadn't tweeted much or posted anything on instagram.

It only took a few seconds for her to reply to the message. 

'I have a gig tommorow night. I'll come if you drive me there afterwards.'

Bradley grinned. 'Ofcourse I'll take you. I'll be at yours at 11.' He replied.

"She's gonna come in tommorow boys, then we'll go see her perform. She has a gig." Brad announced.

"So she does solo singing now?" Connor asked. "I thoguht she didn't sing anymore after leaving the band."

"I don't know." Bradley shrugged. She was a very confusing girl, so he let her be. Even though she did say she never wanted to sing again.

"Well, I'm looking forward to see what else she can do." James said. "Her voice is very unique."

"Maybe we could do a rock song. I mean that's what her voice is suited for. Unless we write a pop-punk song, like what her band does." Connor suggested.

"Her band is very different to us. Their bands lead singer is a girl who can sing just as well as Gerad Way can. I can't do that. Charlie could, except she sings very low. Shania sang high, that's why they produced such a good sound." Brad explained.

"We'll figure out the details when she gets here. She might know what to do. Aslong as I'm with my drum kit, I'm fine with it." Tris shrugged, grabbing his cup of tea off the tablr and sipping it very loudly.

Authors Note:

I felt like following Bradley bear around for a bit, I hope you don't mind.

No one is actually reading this fanfic anyway, so i'll do what I want :P

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