Chapter 16: Kisses and Confessions

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"There's things you can't rush Bradley. Things like love." Charlie sighed. It was true, but really, Charlie didn't want anyone to fall inlove with her again.

The two were now sitting in nandos, they had finished their meal and were talking over a glass of lemonade.

Bradley looked down at the table, thinking about what to say next. "I really like you."

Charlie looked up at Bradley. She was a very observant person and could easily tell peoples emotions and from what Charlie could see Bradley had no signs of lying on his face. It was serious. But Charlie was clueless on what to say. She had never been in a relationship where the other person loved her more than she loved them. Never to the point where they weren't just pulling off eachothers clothes.

Charlie took in a deep breath "I'm sorry Brad. I don't know if I feel the same way. I barely know you."

"I understand, but everytime we're together I just fall in love with you more and more."

Charlie didn't know what to say, she was awkwardly biting her top lip. She wanted to leave, to walk away and bury herself in her blankets away from everything. She didn't hate Bradley, she just didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to love and she was pretty sure she liked him back.

"I- I don't know anything about love Bradley..." She explained. "I've never been loved. I've never had anyone in my life who wants me the way you do. Well, atleast a guy."

Bradley looked into Charlie's eyes, the light from the streetlight outside made her eyes shine Gold. He knew Charlie would never react the way he wanted her too. "I shouldn't have said anything." He apologized.

"No." Charlie stammered, grabbing ahold of the hand he had wrapped around his glass. "I have only a few people in my life who really understand me, and like me for who I am. I want you to be one of them. I just want to get to know you better."

Bradley smiled, and ran his hand through his curly hair. "Alright then. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time with you."

Charlie smiled, a geniune smile.

Bradleys face lit up when he saw her smile. It was as beautiful as when he first saw, but even more beautiful. "Why don't we have movie night?" He asked, he was enjoying rhe night and didn't want her to leave, not yet.

"Sounds good." Charlie agreed.

They both got out of their seats, and Charlie quickly followed Bradley too his car. She was freezing cold in the wintery night air of Birmingham. Bradley giggled as he opened the car door for her. "You're shivering."

"No shit." She mumbles back, getting into the car and closing the door.

Brad quickly gets into the driver seat and starts up the car. "I have 22 Jump Street, I haven't seen it yet so."

Charlie shook her head. "Sounds boring."

"You havent seen 21 Jump street then? He asked, shocked. 21 Jump Street was one of his favourite movies.

"No." Charlie shrugged.

"How have you been living?" Bradley exclaimed. "It's the best movie to exist!"

"I don't like funny movies." Charlie stated

"Do you like action then?" Bradley asked, trying to think of other movies to watch.

"No. Why would you think that?" Charlie sighed. "I hate the suspense."

"I don't know." Brad shrugged, as he drove.

Charlie sighed again, and looked out the window. It was dark, and the stars were shining brightly in the sky. "I like sad movies." She suggested.

Bradley laughed a little, "Of course you do."

Charlie didn't know if that was meant to be offensive or not, so she forgot about it instead. "I rather see other people be sad, than see myself sad."

Bradley pursed his lips. "In your world, is anyone happy?"

Charlie shook her head. "I only know sadness Brad, I don't think I'll ever experience enough happiness to pay for those things I have bundled up inside me."

Bradley looked across at Charlie, he could tell how sad she looked. She may not show it, but Brad knew that she was really sad inside, even if she was smiling. Brad wanted to show her what it's like to feel truly happy, and he knew how to do it. He pulled the car over onto the side of the road, and turned off the engine.

"Charlie." He said, grabbing ahold of her hand.

Charlie looked into his eyes, and smiled slightly. Charlie started to lean in, and without expecting it, Charlie's lip reached his lips. (see gif)

He didn't expect her to kiss him first, nor did he expect her to actually kiss him. By far, the most suprising thing was that the kiss was like no other he had ever had. He had kissed many girls, but no kiss had ever felt so amazing.

"Brad..." Charlie said, leaning out of the kiss.

"Charlie..." Brad whispered back, feeling his lips which were still tingling from the kiss.

"I never knew kisses could feel so..."

"Incredible." Bradley finished, remembering the way her lips felt on his. He wanted more of it, he'd only kissed her once but he was sure already addicted to the feeling.

Charlie let go of his hand, and moved both of her hands to his face. She held his face in her hands, and kissed his lips again. This time she kept kissing him, not wanting the feel of his lips gone and Brad kissed her back, with just as much passion.

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