Chapter 26: Another World

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"Another universe, the stars will light the way for just the two of us, and nothing will tear us apart." Brad sang the words to his new song.

He looked up at the audience, who were waving their hands, with their phone lights pointed at him.
He continued to sing, as he mindlessly looked forward. He couldn't help but think of Charlie, as she always seizes to plague his thoughts. He wanted her to be better, he wanted them to be together. But Brad began to realise, he was being selfish and demanding. He hated himself for it, but he loved her and he wanted the best life for both of them, with no drugs or lies.

"People like to talk, but I can't understand a word, they threw us to the wolves." Brad finished, taking a little bow and watched as the audience screamed back at him.

He wiped his eyes, as he realised he'd cried whilst singing. As well, his voice went raspy, and felt like he couldn't control the emotions he poured out into the lyrics he sang.

He watched as the phone lights slowly turned off, and how the fans glowing faces melted into the darkness of the arena. It was just him, on the stage alone. Him and his guitar. Him and his song. His song about Charlie.

The arena was dark, and a few lights shone. In a few seconds, the next set would start. James, Connor and Tristan would run back on stage... Everything back to how it should be, the four of them making music on a stage in front of thousands to enjoy. 

Brad slowly walked forward, and walked down back onto the main stage, from there he saw James and Connor run onto the stage from their designated wings. They gave him a look, which he fully understood. 

Brad had little energy left, he'd been awake since 4am doing interviews, meet and greets and small performances, as well as dress rehearsals and the rest that came along with doing a concert.

But he remembered, how Charlie had mustered up the courage to sing, alone to thousands in the biggest arena in the country. Charlie wasn't a solo artist, and she made that clear to Joe, who didn't have much of a choice but to make her sing, as the act that supposed to, had fallen sick a few days beforehand.

"Everybody put your hands up!" Connor yelled into the microphone. 

Brad had totally dazed off, and Connor was taking over his role of motivating the audience.

Brad smiled, and positioned himself in front of the microphone.

"London you sexy beasts!" He yelled. 

The audience roared in excitement.

"Why don't we get this party started!" Brad yelled, removing the microphone from the stand, and jumped to the beat of the music as he started to sing.

The next morning, Brad woke up, and looked next to him. His bed was empty, and so was his stomach.

"Charlie...?" He groaned, as he struggled to get out of his warm bed.

He sat up, and examined his bedroom. Her clothes were thrown on top of his dresser, and the cupboard was wide open.

Brad assumed she had gone for a run, and he slipped his boxers on, and headed downstairs to a very inviting smell of pancakes.

"Brad, you're awake!" His mum cheered, and brought her very tired son into a confronting hug.

Brad groaned, and pathetically hugged his mum back.

"Sit down, I'll get the pancakes up." His mum suggested, and let go of her son. "Charlie just came back from her run, she's just in the bathroom."

And with that, Charlie exited the bathroom with a big grin on her face, and sat down next to Brad at the large wooden table.

"Morning sleepy." She greeted.

"How are you not tired?" Brad muttered. "We weren't back till 3am!"

Charlie laughed. "Trust me, I'm going back to sleep after these gorgeous pancakes." 

Brad looked over at his mum who was smiling away at Charlies compliment, and even offered her the first pancake. 

Brad didn't like this unexpected happy mood of Charlie's, especially after last night, as in the car ride back she explained why she never wanted to sing solo.

But, maybe this was her new way of coping with things after everything she'd been through.

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