[A Bro-tastic invention planner 2/2]

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    The two had already gone to the hardware store, the stuff Alfred bought in the bed of the truck. They were currently at the resteraunt, picking a booth to sit at. Alfred opened the menu, looking over what he wanted to order. He looked over to the prussian, giving a soft smile. "H've ya' figured out what you want to order yet?" Gilbert smiled a bit at the accent, finding it to be a bit heartwarming.
     "Nein, I havent really had swedish food before so I'll just order vhat looks good." Alfred nodded, pretty much doing the same thing as the albino.

      "Sounds like a plan, I'm thinkin' maybe gettin' the kroppkakor." Alfred put down his menu, cracking his knuckles. "I think I've decided, can jou call over the waitress?"
        The two ordered what they wanted and chatted among themselves. "Mein bruder should be here soon, so we can talk about the next hang out date vhen he gets here!" The american nodded, checking his watch.
      "Once we're don eatin' we can head to my house, I have some games I think y'all would like." The american smiled a bit, knowing that Gilbert had an interest in war-themed games. "Like fall out, cold war, etc. Since we are working together, might as well get some inspiration right?
    Prussia smiled a bit, nodding. He then gave a barely noticable frown, tilting his head. "Cold war? Are you sure that ones a good idea? With you and Ivan.." Alfred's eyes flashed a little suprise, as he laughed a bit. He was suprised that his prussian friend remembered, or even cared. "Yeah I'll be fine Gil, don' w'rry."

         Prussia nodded, patting Alfred on the shoulder. Alfred smiled, scratching the back of his neck. "To be honest, I'm suprised ya' even remembr'd." Prussia raised an eyebrow at his words, crossing his arms. "Mein gott, how could zhe awesome me not? Zhat vas one of the most intimidating wars the world had had with a young country!"
     The prussian started to talk with his hands, trying to express his thoughts a bit more. "Zhe air around you two was so thick you could practically cut is vith a knife. I mean, it was so intimidating it couldve shot the world cold!" The prussian was right, the cold war scared everybody.

     The prussian remembers how frightened certain countries would be if the American and Russian were even in the same room together. They were both strong, extremely strong. Russia had a very cold outwork during the cold war, and was very pushy to get what he wanted. The only issue with this at the time, was that the american was even more pushy than he was.
        While many countries disliked Alfred, they all could admit that at times Alfred could be very authoritative. He was tall and muscular, with a loud voice and a 'big ego'. He talked big and could back it up. They looked down on him because he was so carefree, for the longest time nobody thought he had what it took to be a world superpower. But when the cold war had started, they were terrified.
     Alfred laughed a bit, feeling a bit flattered. "At least I c'n hold my ground now, gotta admit Ivan is a real tough nut to crack." Alfred looked back at the war with a bitter smile. While it did cause him pain to separate from what was once a close friend, the war made him stronger as both a person and a country.
      "It'd be nice if we could talk again, but it seems we still h've a few more bridges to cross." (Remember y'all, russia is older then america is just for context :3) Alfred remembered seeing Russia as a young colony. He had come with England to the meetings a few times, for unknown reasons.

      He remembered how sad the russian looked. The tall man with ashy blonde hair, with eyes as beautiful as a set of precious gems. His eyes had looked lonely, like he was waiting for someone. While the russian was playful, he was intimidating. But our american wouldnt let that stop him from saying hi!
     The colony would sometimes wander the halls and find the russian looking out at the snow. His eyes would be filled with both wonder and grief, like the snow had reminded him of something. The american would watch from afar, with determination. He would one day be the hero that would save him from his greif. At least, that's what he promised himself.
     The american smiled a bit at the memories, saying thank you when the waitress brought over their food.  He watched as the prussian ate, taking a bite of his own meal he smiled. He was glad that he had a friend, someone who he would share memories with for years to come.

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