Interest being peaked

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           The russian hummed to himself, looking at the paintings on the wall as he walked.  Most of the other countries had gone home, some of them staying to chat before going back to their home countries.
         Ivan looked at the paintings with a smile, there were so many memories! The number of paintings had grown over time, some even being from when china was considered a colony! In modern times there are photos, but paintings are preferred by the countries. The russian had been walking around the building since the meeting ended, the paintings peaking his interest.

       The paintings showed a lot about the countries and how they are shaped as representatives. The countries leaders have portraits painted the moment they go from colony to country.   There are paintings from all different types of countries, but in this building it was mostly of the axis and the allies. On each wall of the hallways there was a section of portraits that was just for one country. But Ivan was looking for a certain countries portraits, America's.
      The young country had always peaked the russians interest. Now more than ever, especially since hes been hanging out with countries who hes never associated himself with before. The russian had also started to notice a change in his character. From when he would concentrate harder then usual on presentations, to how he would cling to his twin.
       The canadian may be off of the russians radar sometimes, but he was noticable over half the time. 'Why do they pretend not to see him all the time?' The russians thinking came to a halt as he turned a corner, his smile turning into a small grin. He had found Americas portraits! The russian walked closer to the wall so he could get a better view of the portraits. He walked up to the most recent one, looking it up and down.
      His eyes were as bright as ever, but they had a devious look to them. He looked professional, wearing a high-ranking military uniform. He had a wide smile on his face, like he was about to do something chaotic. 'Wouldnt be suprised if he was planning something, he always has something up his sleeve.' The russian walked past one of the meeting rooms, hearing some voices from inside.
     "I'm hungry germany~ lets-a go already!"
    "Ja, ja, I know. Text Alfred to let him know zhat we are on our way."

     The russian hummed to himself. They had never hung out before, when did this start? He started walking again, not wanting to get caught ease-dropping. He giggled to himself, remembering that America had already left with Prussia.
     The russian didnt hate anyone from the meetings, but he preferred to stay by himself. He was told to make friends, and he tried. So far the only people he managed to get along with without any issues were Alfred and Yao. Ever since the cold war the air between him and Alfred had been tense. They had both been friends before the war, and even met briefly when America was still a colony.

    The russian sighed, adjusting his scarf. He missed Alfred, but would he ever say it? No, he wouldn't. He felt too guilty about how he acted, and while Alfred had acted the same it still felt unforgivable. During the cold war he was cold and malicious, his smile had turned into a cruel smirk that would forever be implanted in his memory.

    Would he ever get the chance to say sorry? He wasnt sure, every time he got close to saying the two words he needed to say he got interrupted. For countries that hate on him so often, France and England sure are protective. The russian looked ahead of him, seeing the brit huffing angrily. "Hello england." The russian kept his smile as the european jumped, sighing internally when the blond looked at him in fear.
      "H-hello Russia, fancy seeing you here." Russia nodded, "Da, normally you'd be on your way home now, correct?" The brit nodded, putting on a more annoyed facial expression instead of the scared one. "Alfred drove me here, but left without me! The bloody buffoon even left his car here-" The russian kept the smile on his face, nodding along as the brit spoke.

    "And apperently I cant even use his car? I was told that he'd kill me if I used it, why would he get so pissed off over a bloody car? It's just a vehicle!"

    Russia inwardly cringed at the brits words. Does he not know his former-colony at all? He may not hang around the american very much, but even he knows that America loved his cars. He remembers overhearing how another country dented one of his classic cars, they ended up walking home because all four tires were popped. The american really loved his cars.
     "That brute could have at least let me know he had other plans before he decided to run off! Jesus, if only he wasnt so impulsive-" The russian was starting to get annoyed, he had spent most of his energy in the meeting and did not feel like dealing with the brit. The russians cold aura started to show itself, causing the brit to shrink back in fear. The russian loomed over Arthur, his smile growing. "Impulsive enough to wonder where he got it from, da?"

    He was obviously implying that Alfred got it from the brit, making the brit furrow his brows. "W-what are you implying-" The russian giggled, taking a step forward. "Hmm, I wonder~" The brit flinched at the russian stepped forward, getting out of the way as the russian walked past him. Russia walked out of the british man's view, dropping his aura. 'How annoying..'

     Russia didnt hate any country, even those who get got on his nerves. He found many annoying, but never enough to hate them. One of those countries that annoyed him the most was England. While Arthur had experience as a country, you'd think he would know how to keep his anger in check. But he didn't, half of the meetings were interrupted by the brit and Frenchman's arguments. He was always yelling. Meeting, after meeting, after meeting, hell the russian didnt remember the last meeting where he didnt hear the brits voice.
     But there were times that the brits yelling was funny, like when he was pranked. Alfred always got the brunt of Arthur's wrath, but he always kept his head up. Sometimes Alfred would piss him off on purpose, which always made the russians day. He had yet to see the american cry because of it, and he found it interesting how noone ever called him out for it.

      The russian hummed to himself as he walked to his car, rubbing his nose. He could see the smiles of people around him become more forced, and feel the air around him become tenser then usual. He got into his car, starting it. He rested his head on the steering wheel, sighing. He dropped his smile, lifting his head, adjusting his rear-view mirror.
      Unknowingly, the axis and denmark walked past his car. North caught a glimpse of the russian as he walked past, making him turn to look. He continued to walk, sticking his hands in his pockets. He sighed, looking up at the sky. The italian hummed to himself, shivering from the breeze.

              'I wonder if hes okay?'

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