Simular Interests

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Alfred walked into the room where the meeting was being held, arriving early. He put the mask back on, a bright smile appearing to everyone else. Sometimes he would arrive early to get extra work done, leave for breakfast, then leave. But this time a surprise was waiting for him, one that would be a huge step in his plans.

Prussia was there early as well, seeming to be writing something down.

Alfred widened his smile a little, walking over to Gilbert. "Good morning dude, what are you doing?" Gilbert jumped a little, suprised that Alfred was there early. Alfred got a quick look at what he was doing before the papers were put away, making Alfred's smile a little more genuine.
Alfred put on a less eccentric smile, looking back towards the entrance of the room. He made sure nobody else was there before looking back at Gilbert. "Dont worry dude, I'm not going to tell a soul. How about we go to breakfast before the meeting?" Gilbert visibly relaxed, a smile appearing on his face. "I know this great diner down the street, their pancakes are to die for."

They headed outside to the Americans car, passing Feliciano on the way out. It was a navy blue Mustang, so they should be able to get back in time for the meeting.
Alfred opened the door for Gilbert, letting the albino get in first. He got in, and began to drive. They got to the diner, Alfred brightening up. "Go ahead and bring your bring your bag in, we have an hour until the meeting starts so we have plenty of time to talk." The albino nodded, not knowing how to react. He didn't know how Alfred would react to him liking mechanics, He was the awesome Prussia! He wasn't supposed to like these subjects, and it didn't seem like Alfred did either.

They walked into the diner, sitting at a booth. Alfred put on a softer smile, taking out his own papers. He put his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his hand. "So Gil, you like mechanics? That's awesome, I do too!"
Saying that Gilbert was suprised would be an understatement. "Vell, ja. I'm more into the chemistry part of it then the actual machinery." Alfred pushed somepapers towards him, smiling a bit more. Alfred was excited that he had a friend with similar interests, aka his real hobbies.

Gilbert put his awesome smile again, pleasantly suprised that they had a shared hobby. He took a look at the paper, his eyes widening. "Wow- is zhis a nuclear generator? Vhis is well planned out!" Alfred nodded, scratching the back of his neck.
"Thanks dude, this was what I was going to showcase at the last meeting, but I got shut down before I could even start." Gilbert gave a small frown, thinking that wasn't very awesome. "Vell that vasn't very awesome of them!" Alfred nodded, glad that he had someone that sympathized with him.
They ordered their food, then finished in time to get to the meeting on time. They walked into the meeting laughing, ignoring the looks that the rest of the FACE family gave them. The meeting went as usual;Alfred being loud, Mathew being ignored, Francis and Arthur arguing.

After the meeting ended, Alfred walked over to his brothers, putting his arm around Mathews shoulders. "Hey bro, do you want to hang out later?" He hoped his twin would say yes, but Francis beat him to the punch.
"I'm sorry Alfred, but he is going with me and Arthur to the movies. Maybe another time." Alfred opened his mouth to speak, but got interrupted by Arthur. " We haven't spent enough time with him lately, so we are going with just him." Mathew gave him a guilty look, while Alfred nodded in understanding. "Okay dudes, have fun! Mattie, can we hang out next weekend?" He nodded while being dragged away, waving bye in the process.
Gilbert saw the situation, and gave out his awesome smile. This was his chance, he didn't have to hide his hobbies anymore! His younger brother, Ludwig, gave him a weird look. Ludwig was used to his antics, but for some reason Gilbert just looked more...Genuine. Gilbert ran over to Alfred, putting an arm around his shoulder.

They both laughed, and when they did the room just seemed to brighten up, like a group of old friends were reuniting. They walked back to where Ludwig was at, smiling. "Dude, do you want to hang out? My brothers are watching a movie without me, so I got no plans!" Gilbert laughed, giving him a high five. "Heck yea, who vouldn't want to hang out vith zhe awesome me!"
Alfred looked over to Ludwig and Feliciano, giving them his heroic smile. "Whattup dudes! Your presentation was perfect, as usual dude!" Gilbert lightly elbowed him in the ribs, making Alfred laugh a bit more. "Of course he did vell, he is my bruder after all!" Alfred nodded his head in agreement, eyes brightening up.
"Do you guys want to come over for dinner? Dont worry, there won't be any fast food!"

[I might make the chapter sizes vary, but I will try to update this book a bit more! It's likely that I will add the Italian brothers to the plot soon, but are there any specific characters you want to see? Let me know if there is~]

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