What was that about?

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Gilbert was hesitant to leave Alfred with Ivan, but allowed it when the aura became tenser as the rest of the group left. They waited by their vehicles, deciding to only take two of them. They collectively chose Ludwigs truck and Alfreds Thunderbird.
"What do you think they're-a talking about?" Feliciano was slightly worried as well, since the two were prone to fight. He was leaned against the truck with his arms crossed, looking towards his elder twin for an answer. "How the hell am I supposed to know-a dumbass?" Lovino huffed slightly, starting to get impatient. "But it better be-a fucking important if it's making us late to dinner."

Mathew looked towards the building, humming softly with a thoughtful look on his face. He raised an eyebrow when he spotted his twin making the 'Oh shit he's right' face, making a note to ask him about it later. "What do you think it's about?" Gilbert found his arm around the canadians shoulders, a questioning grin on his face. Mathew shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.
He yawned, keeping his brother in his trail of sight. "Who knows?" He scoffed lightly, not noticing that the people around him actually payed attention to him for once. "With those two, it could go both directions." He knew how complex the twos relationship was, hes seen it first hand. They've gone from frenemies, to friends, to enemies, and to rivals on and off throughout the years.

He was pretty sure the russian knew sides to him that even he, his twin brother, didnt know about. But then again, Francis and Arthur have been dragging him around so often that he barely had time for Alfred. Mathew was actually starting to get annoyed with it, and he could tell that Alfred was too.
Mathew sighed, eyes brightening when he saw his brother walk out. He brushed the prussians arm off of his shoulder and began to jog towards his brother. He tackled him with a hug, laughing softly when Alfred picked him up and spun him. "Y'now, sometimes I wonder who's the elder brother here."

Mathew pouted, "Hey! I have to be mature all the time, Its my turn to be childish." Alfred laughed, hugging him a bit tighter.

"Fair point, fair point." The American sighed softly, burrowing his head into his elder twins shoulder. Mathew patted his back, feeling the stress radiate of of the American.
"Stressed?" Alfred nodded, his speech muffled by his brothers jacket. "Why does he have to be so darn confusing?" Mathew laughed softly, separating from the hug. He pulled his brothers cheeks, raising an eyebrow. "How would I know?"

"Let go ob my face-!" Mathew complied, taking his brothers hand. He then looked over to the group, getting flustered when he noticed that they were looking at them. "Oh my-They saw all of that." Alfred nodded, "Yep."

Prussia smiled softly at the two, sighing lightly. He walked up to them, putting his hands around the their shoulders. "You two are riding with me in Al's car, while they take the other one. That cool with you Alfredo?"
The blonde nodded, forcing a smile. "Sure am my dude! Y'all ready to go?" Everyone nodded, piling into the vehicles. "You know where to go, right dumbass?" Prussia nodded. "Of course the awesome me does! I'm not directionally challenged, thank you very much!"

Lovino laughed, directing a worried glance towards America. "Yeah yeah, sure. Drive safe potato senior, the roads around here are tricky." Prussia snorted, raising an eyebrow at the italian. "Senior potato? Why am I senior potato?" The southern italian pointed at Germany, who was sitting in the trucks drivers seat.

"Because you're this potato bastard's older brother, obviously." Prussia laughed, which grew louder when he heard the North American twins laughing.
"See you later pasta child!" Lovino rolled his eyes at the american," You too you burger fuck!" They started to back out of the parking space as Alfred bursted into laughter.

    Mathew looked over to his brother, raising an eyebrow. "Do you two always talk like this?" Alfred shrugged, calming down a little. "Sometimes. Mostly during fighting. To be more specific fist fighting." The canadian raised an eyebrow, "Fist fights?" Prussia nodded, smirking at the fact that they got caught.
     He snorted, watching the road. "Relax birdie, it's only because a lot of times Lovino doesnt realise the girl he is hitting on has a boyfriend already." Alfred nodded, shaking his head with a short chuckle. "Seriously, who knows how he gets away with it."

   Everybody laughed for a moment, before the car went into a comfortable silence. Mathew glanced at Alfred, giving our a barely noticable sigh.  Alfred looked out the window, a dazed look on his face. He was deep in thought, which broke once his brother started to talk. "What did he say to you?"

   Gilbert took a right turn, asking the same question. "Ja, what did he want to talk about?" Alfred stayed quiet.
    The silence turned from soft to cold, being broken by a light sigh from the American. He looked straight, leaning on his elder brothers shoulder. "We were talking about why he did that."

  Mathew leaned his head on his brothers, "And?" Alfred closed his eyes, his tone becoming more frustrated. "It was because he was bored." Gilbert scoffed, rolling his eyes. His gaze narrowed into a scowl at the thought of the russian.
    "Mein gott, of course he would do it because he was bored." Mathew looked between the two of them confused. He lifted his head off of his brothers, adjusting his glasses. He narrowed his eyes, scratching his chin.

    "Wait wait hold up- am I missing something?" He got a 'mhm' from his brother, and a sigh from the prussian in the front seat. "That commie bastard is as sadistic as they come." Prussia nodded in agreement. "He pulls stunts like this to see reactions, either they are good or bad."
     Prussia's scowl deepened, his tone becoming harsh. "That sadistic giant does things out of interest. He doesn't give a damn if it leaves someone burning in the aftermath." America nodded along, agreeing with him slightly.

   "He is fair most of the time, but he can be unpredictable." He continued, "One minute he's looking at his illegal memes, the next he's threatening you with his metal pipe."
   Alfred laughed lightly at the meme part, deciding to hop in on the prussians rant. "He's like a wildcard, he can be kind or he can be cruel." He rolled his eyes, looking down with the look of a kicked puppy. While the russian could be a jerk, he did have some good memories with him. "Though it would be nice if he wiped of that fake grin of his."

   "It would be nice if it was real once in a while, even if it's cruel." Prussia nodded, "For once I agree, his face may be annoying but it would be a lot more tolerable if it had real expressions."

     Mathew listened, thinking about they were saying. The gears in his brain started to move, clicking into place. His eyes widened in realization, humming in slight discontent. So Ivan and Alfred are from the same deck of cards huh.. No wonder they caught all the time.

'So THATS why Alfred was so into being rivals..'

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