Chaotic beginnings

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Mathew rubbed his eyes as he sat up on his bed, a shiver going down his spine since he left the fan on all night.He flinched when his feet touched the ground, yawning  when he reached for his glasses. He heard music blaring from downstairs, flinching slightly when he heard the banging. He shook his head, he knew exactly who was up this early.
The blonde picked up kumajiro on the way out of his room, rolling his eyes when asked who he was.He ran into France and England in the hallway, rolling his eyes at their arguing.

"What is with all this noise?"

Arthur was grumpier than usual, given the fact that he was woken up by something other then his alarm. "I dont know, maybe we would find out if you werent dragging your feet." Arthur glared at Francis, crossing his arms. He gave him a blank stare, pointing a finger at the blonde.

"Now listen you stupid frog-"

"Only if you stop yelling~"

"...You bearded twat-"

Mathew burrowed his head into kumojiro, walking past them and down the stairs, his brothers following not long after. As he walked the banging got louder, along with the music.

"Okay so this goes there-" Mathew furrowed his eyes, sighing. 'What in the world is he doing up this early?' "Yes Hero I'll feed you in a minute, now get out from under my feet," He turned the corner, spotting his twin immediately. America looked like he was cleaning-organizing? He couldnt tell. He was waltzing around the room, his cat following him like a baby chick.

"Table cloth, table cloth, where did I set the flipping table cloth-" As Alfred looked around the room he tripped over Hero, face planting into the wall. He leaned his arm on the wall, rubbing his face with his hand. "You could've just said fuck like a normal person you know."

"Oh Mathew, you're awake! Good," The blonde stood up straight after picking up his cat, walking towards the cats food bowl."Now help me find the maroon and white tablecloth we bought the other day." He set Hero down, filling up her food dish.

"I dont swear in front of the child. Often at least, I do stub my toe a lot but that's an exception." Mathew raised his eyebrow. Alfred pointed at hero, smiling. "The child. Hero is the child."

The american stopped speaking and went back to organising the dining room. "Jesus Christ, would you turn that music down?" Arthur was on the left of Mathew, with a grumpy look on his face. "I dont mind it, but it is way too loud for what-" Arthur checked the clock. "4:30 in the morning? What are you even doing up this early, none of us have work today?"

"4:30? Already?" Alfred checked the clock, then looked back over at his brothers. He lowered the music slightly, still rubbing his face. He then picked up his coffee mug, avoiding his elder twins eyebrow raise from across the room. Mathew observed his brother with a deadpan look, "Really? Coffee at 4:30 in the morning? Please tell me this is the first cup you've had."

Alfred kept avoiding eyecontact, spotting the tablecloth next to the oven in the process. "Oh look my table cloth!" The canadian facepalmed, sighing. "Alfred, what are you doing up this early?"

He hummed as he put the table cloth onto the table, doing a little dance as he did. He gave a slight chuckle, shrugging. "To be completely honest, I woke up from a dead sleep around 3 because I remembered that I'm having guests later."
Arthur crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "You never told us that guests were coming." Alfred turned to him and smiled while he picked up his coffee cup. "Well, if I had remembered I wouldnt be rushing to clean at 4 in the morning now would I?"

"I suppose not." The American gave hum a look that said 'No duh' as he finished flattening it out, "Exactly, which means I wouldnt remember to tell you. Now do me a solid and help me tidy the house will you?" He bent down to pet Hero, who purred like the arguing was music to her ears. "You guys can go back to bed. I'll try to be quieter, but I would appreciate the help once you all have woken back up."

Arthur nodded and walked back upstairs, Francis, who had been strangely quiet, followed behind him. Mathew set kumajiro onto the couch, proceeding to help his brother tidy in the kitchen. "You okay Al?" He looked back at his brother, who had hit his face on the wall. "Yep! With all the caffeine in my system I cant feel a thing!"

Mathew took the cup away from Alfred's reach, then walked towards the cup cabinet so he could pour his brother some water. "Maybe you should start setting reminders? So this stops happening?" Alfred shrugged as he put the centerpiece on the middle of the dining table, he spoke a bit quieter so that he could let his father figures sleep in. "Maybe, but normally that doesnt help." The younger blonde continued to speak as he put everything in order, rambling without realizing.

"I do try you know? This happens everytime, whether it be a dinner party or somebody is coming over just to hang." He walked from the room he was in to the living room, clearing off the coffee table. "I get excited about whatevers happening then I just..freeze, ya' know? I get so busy just thinking about preparing that I just dont." He laughed under his breath, flinching when he bumped his knee against the table.

He picked up the couch with one hand, pointing at the red broom in the corner. "Can you hand me that broom please? Or at least sweep where the couch was?" Mathew stared wide-eyed, nodding his head. "Y-yeah sure." He swept quickly, making a little dust-pile that theyll clean up later. "You know, I always forget how strong you are." America snorted as he set the couch back down, almost falling over when he lost his balance. "You do realize we have similar strength right? It may be different but it's still similar."

Mathew laughed, "I do realize that now, it must have slipped my mind. I spend so much time controlling my strength I forget to actually use it." Alfred nodded, throwing out the little dust pile his brother made. The american sighed, sitting down for the first time since he woke up.

"I know that feeling a little too well, especially being a superpower. It gets scary when I'm upset, I'm afraid that I'll hurt someone if they piss me off at the wrong time-"
"-Because you could go to poke them in the chest and send them flying."

Mathew sat down next to him. He leaned on his twins shoulder, humming in understanding. "Its like that quote from the one hero you like- you know the one from marvel? 'With great power comes great responsibility.' You have to be careful or you could hurt someone, but if you know how to use it you can save them instead." Mathew paused, turning his brother towards him. "I get it, I really do. You may struggle and make mistakes at times, but that's okay. You're young, you're still learning, you cant be expected to know everything. Compared to Arthur and Yao you are still a kid." Alfred furrowed his brows and opened his mouth to speak, but he shushed him.

Mathew gave him a stern look, "Shut up I'm not done." Alfred huffed and closed his mouth, giving him an unhappy look.

"Compared to them, you're a kid. But take one good look at yourself. You may be young but you are a strong nation! You won against Arthur without a military! You can lift a whale with one hand! You study astrophysics as a hobby for gods sake! They mock you but you still keep that smile every damn time, how impressive is that?" Alfred brightened up, nodding his head in thought. "You're right, that is pretty impressive huh?"

Alfred smiled and gave Mathew a side hug, "Thank you Mathew, I mean it. I needed the reminder." Canada nodded, returning the hug. "Of course, I'm your big brother. Just dont forget yourself, eh?" Alfred laughed softly, nodding to himself. He held out his pinky, smiling. "Alright, I promise." Mathew linked their pinkies together, snorting at how childish it seemed.

"Oh yeah, who were you inviting over?"

[A/N]: I'm really sorry I havent updated! I've been busy,especially with family stuff, but I will try to update more often. To be completely honest it's been getting hard for me to write right now, and I really should've let a warning on my books to let you guys know. I'm sorry about that, so dont be afraid to comment if it's been too long! I do appreciate you readers, so thank you for sticking with me for this long. Back to the book;I am sure you are confused on who the ending ships are going to be, and I will be revealing that soon! I'm going to hint at them before I reveal them, feel free to see if you can guess. I am currently trying to work on my writing style, so if the way I write seems different that's why. I'm currently going through editing, so look forward to that^^ If you have any ships you recomend, I might add them! Thank you guys for reading, and again, sorry for not updating;

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