A Dinner Party Like No Other pt.2

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As Alfred was driving, they seemed to pass by the vehicle his brothers were in. He may have done it on purpose, but nobody could tell. It was a mostly empty street, aside from them obviously, and he was on good terms with the cops in the neighborhood. So what was he going to do, you may ask?
He was going to drive like Italy. He knew his brothers were watching, and he honestly just wanted to show off. "Alright, dude. Hold on tight, we are about to become speed itself!" Gilbert looked confused, then held on tight as the light turned green. The music was still blaring as they drove, making Alfred laugh in delight.

They eventually slowed down as they reached his neighborhood, allowing Ludwig to catch up with him. He pulled up beside them, a little rattled at how fast they were going. Ludwig rolled down his window, yelling over the music. "Vhat vas zhat for? Dont jou have speed limits here?"
Alfred laughed while nodding, giving him a smile. "Yep, sure do dude! I just saw eyebrows and wanted to piss him off, totally worth it!"

And to everyone's suprise, Ludwig laughed. As did everyone else, it was pretty funny. "Vhell, it seemef to work! He vas yelling profanities after you took off!"
That made Alfred laugh, bringing a smile to the whole group. They reached Alfred's place, pulling into the driveway. He stepped out of the car, a pep in his step. Everybody got their stuff, then stepped inside.

"Alright dudes, do you guys want to eat dinner now or later?" The italian twins looked towards eachother and shrugged. Ludwig spoke up, breaking the silence.
"How about ve eat a bit later, and we do some activities? American games do seem to be quite entertaining." Alfred nodded, leading them into the living room. He hummed, setting up the t.v.

"Alright my dudes, I have multiple games here. I have resedent evil, monopoly, uno, COD, and DOOM." Alfred looked around the DVDs in case somebody wanted to watch any movies.
"I also have a Disney movie set, war movies, some action animes, and Indiana Jones movies. Have any ideas about what you want to do?" Feliciano hummed, looking at the movies. Lovino looked at the games, but eventually going to look at the movies with his younger twin.
Alfred's phone began to ring, breaking the silence. The twins jumped a bit, while Gilbert clung onto Ludwig. "Sorry dudes, its England. I'll be right back, go ahead and choose without me!" Ludwig nodded, watching him walk into the kitchen. When Alfred picked up the phone, Arthur was yelling so loud that everyone in the living room could hear him.

"You bloody git, I told you to get that paperwork done over a week ago! Now my boss is yelling at me when I was supposed to be spending time with mathew!" "Sorry dude, but the hero has to deal with his own issues right now! Plus it's due next week, why do you need it now?"
Everybody winced a bit at Arthur's tone, Ludwig furrowing his brows.

"Because I said I needed it as soon as possible! I-you know what? It's no use explaining, it's not going to get through that thick skull anyway. Goodbye, I expect those papers bye monday."
Alfred sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Seriously Arthur? Now of all times, when he is finally enjoying himself, he decides to yell at him? If hes being honest, Alfred is begining to grow tired of this facade. He put back on his heroic smile, not noticing the worried glances his friends gave him. He laughed a bit, sitting on the couch.

"So what did you guys end up choosing?" Feliciano smiled his clear-eyed smile at him, holding up a movie. He sat down next to germany, leaning into him. "Ve~We chose 'how to train your dragon.'"
Alfred smiled, gilbert sitting next to him. They put the movie in, laughing gently at everybody's reaction to the movie. Him and gilbert giggled when they saw Ludwigs reaction. Ludwigs focus was on toothless, the black night fury. His face was awestruck. "Hes like a giant puppy with no teeth-" Feliciano looked up at him, giggling.
Ludwigs face went all serious, his focus still on the black dragon. "I want one." Lovino burst out laughing, along with everyone else. Ludwig looked around confused, then realised that everybody heard him. He gave an embarrassed look, a slight blush on his face.
"Vhat? It's like a flying puppy." Alfred nodded, agreeing with him. "Your totally right dude, imagine having one of those going to war." Ludwigs eyes lit up, turning to look at him. "Your right, one of those could wipe out a whole army!" He looked back at the tv, giving it a confused look. "If they are such a danger, vhy not tame them in the first place?"

Everybody turned to look a gilbert, Ludwig looking impressed. "Joure right, zhat's a good question." Alfred shrugged, while the twins kept their focus on the tv. Felicianos stomach grumbled, making him blush a bit. Lovino looked at him, then lightly glared at Alfred. "Hey bastardo, when are we going to-a eat?" Alfred looked at his watch, humming. "Soon, give me 20 minutes or so." He stood up, then began to walk back into the kitchen. He stopped, then looked back at everybody.

"I'm going to start dinner, I want all of you to have washed your hands by the time I'm done, okay?"

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