Book headcanons [edited]

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[A/N]: because I dont want to explain things in the middle of a chapter, and I dont want to make them seem too ooc^^
If you want to comment a headcanon go ahead! Even if I dont make them cannon in the book they would be interesting to read!
I realise that I might explain stuff in the chapter anyways but hey, if it happens it happens.

1. Alfred and Arthur are in a big arguement at the moment. They are both stubborn, and Alfred feels he needs to scream in order to be heard. Will they ever get past that and be father and son again? That's for me to know and for you to find out ;)

2. Mathew and Alfred are protective of one another, for a multitude of reasons. (Read between the lines, you will see them I promise.)

3. Ludwig and Alfred both suffer from insomnia. Caffeine is a heavy crutch for both of them, Ludwig being the healthier of the two because he doesnt drink energy drinks.

4. At present time Russia and America are frenemies, leaning towards enemies.

5. Mathew enjoys scaring people by popping up out of their peripheral. Alfred does it to, but does it more on accident than on purpose.

6. Lovino and Feliciano enjoy working as mechanics, working on cars whenever they have free time. From time to time Lovino will drag Alfred to a car show, they have a photo album filled with photos from their adventures.

7. Belarus can be very stalker-like, but she does that more out of fear then anything else. She only has Russia and Ukraine for family and is afraid one day she is going to be abandoned, so she has the habit of keeping at least one of them in her sight at all times.(She can be very stabby, but we dont talk about that.)

8. Ivan does his best to protect his sisters. He has done things that he regrets, as every country has, and because of that he is heavily feared by many. He takes advantage of that to shield his sisters. Not all of his jumpscares are on purpose, but he takes advantage of them when he can.

9. Alfred and Ivan act childish on purpose.
-Alfred because he grew up with a father who was both extremely negligent and a helicopter parent. That's part of the reason he wanted the freedom so badly, aside from the unfair treatment of his people and the taxes.
-Ivan because he is trying to balance out his big build. He doesnt always want to be intimidating l, but when you are towering everyone around you it can be hard. He tries to balance it with a childish personality, but he doesnt realise it can make him scarier.

10. Ukraine is a pacifist by nature, but she can be intimidating when she wants to be.

11. Ukraine is the one who raised both Belarus and Russia, meaning she scolded them when they needed to be scolded.They get their temper and intimidation from somewhere, its was probably from their big sister Ukraine.

12. Ukraine, South Italy, Prussia, and America have parent like tendencies. America because he has the states and micro nations, and the others because they had to be the parents. South italy feels the need to mother his twin because they were separated, while Ukraine and Prussia had to raise their younger siblings until they could survive on their own as a country.

13. Romano likes to sew in his free time, and made a hobby of making his brothers clothes. He is a semi-fashionista, he will force anyone in his friend group to change if he doesnt like their outfit. (He despises polo shirts, U.S doesnt understand why)

14. I just wanted to point out that Ukraine almost jumped someone in the breakroom because they were trash-talking belarus.

15. Most of the countries need therapy, they are just too stubborn to actually sit down and talk about the issues and jump straight to violence.(kinda obvious though, look at france and england)

16. Alfred admires Mary Poppins, hence the jacket that can hold anything(Alfred: I'm mary poppins y'all!)

17. Mathew and Ukraine get along pretty well, sometimes they brag about their younger siblings over tea.

18. While Alfred is made fun of a lot, he is still a superpower. That's one of the reasons why Ukraine went to him for help instead of someone like Denmark or England.

19. Alfred switches accents a lot, and is multilingual. Sometimes accents mix and he doesnt realise it. With how many american accents there are it can sound strange to a native speaker, (for ex. Southern accent with german, midwest with Danish, etc.)

20. Russia is a curious person, which is why he is interested in america. The american is a wildcard, you never know what he is going to do next.

21. Russia is a chaotic neutral.

22. Most of the russian family struggles showing emotions, it must have skipped a generation because Ukraine is really expressive.

23. Mathew and Alfred play fight all the time, their strength is similar so they can wrestle without the worry of hurting one another too badly.

24. Ukraine is a doting elder sister who is ready to defend her family. She doesnt have to get physical to do so. Words are powerful, especially from a kind soul that has hidden rage.

25. Ukraine likes to volunteer at orphanages on her days off. Sometimes she tries to convince her siblings to come, but most of the time they decline.


So I want to draw stuff for the book but I am h o r r i b l e at making decisions. So I hope you dont mind if I ask for help with choosing! Here are the options;

A) America with his mary poppins jacket
B) Canada giving Germany a heart attack by appearing from thin air
C) Germany fonding over toothless from httyd
D) Ukraine with her muffins
E) Ukraine comforting Russia
F) Germany picking up Denmark and North Italy
G) America explaining to Prussia that both he and Germany are technically teenagers(physically)

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