1-A Alliance

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This'll probably- no, definately sound cliché, but I ended up dreaming about katsuki. Thankfully, it wasn't any of the romantic shit that my brain tends to show me.

It was finally the day! I start U.A.. This past week I went through the exams and, needless to say, I crushed it! My quirk may not be useful for hand-to-hand combat, but the training I've done with dad these years certainly helped.

Bags packed? Check! Uniform on? Check! I am ready to go! It's a Saturday so I'm going straight into the dorms.

As I walk into the common area of the 1-A Alliance, I get bombarded.

"Are you the new student!?" A boy with yellow hair with a black streak yell-asked.

"She's so cute, and quite well built!" A black haired girl observed.

"Everyone settle down! We need to give her room to introduce herself- geez." The alien-like girl let out an exagerated sigh. And just like that they gave me space. Thank god.

"Ahem. Hi! My name is Y/N L/N, but just Y/N is fine. And yes, I am the new student. I am 15 and my quirk is Teleportation. Oh! And I hope we can all be friends!" You explain, a smile etched onto your face.

"Ofcourse we'll be friends!" The class spoke, almost in unison. Except for one.

"Speak for yourselves. I'd never be friends with some dumbass extra." The blonde stated. Katsuki. There he is. And my guess was right, total jerk.

"Ah, sorry about him, that's Bakugo. By the way, the names-" I cut off the red head.

"Ejiro Kirishima, right? Nice to meet you!" You extended your hand to shake his.

"O-Oh uh... I kinda forgot to mention. I... already know everyone's names." You stutter. The class looking at you in slight shock. You feel kinda akward now, this staring is intense.

"Uh... can someone show me to my dorm..?" You ask, trying to break the uneasiness, but also just trying to get away in general.

"Oh yeah! Follow me Y/N!" The alien- no I think it's Mina... anyway, she lead, i followed.

After leading you to your room. Mina offered to help you decorate, seeing as it's a 'big job' and that it's more fun with two people.

"Thanks, but there's no need." You say, bringing the suitcase with the stuff you'll use to decorate your room up infront of you. Then bam. The room was decorated.

"Woah! For a moment there I forgot you could teleport things!" Mina exclaimed, excited at the new look of your room.

"No offense, but with your looks, I thought it would be at least a little more girly." Really? I don't look that girly, don't know where you're coming from.

Then- out of nowhere, Mina yelled, "ROOM CHECK!" and all the girls started rushing in. Uh... a little time to myself please. You think.

"Training equiptment? *ribbit* I would have honestly expected this to be a guys room if I hadn't known you. No offence. *ribbit*" Tsuyu mentioned. Déjà vu? Also it's the room of a trained assassin, it's not meant to be girly- then again, you don't know that. I guess it's excusable.

"I think it's cool." Jirou said calmly. She would, I can tell she isn't girly just by looking at her, ofcourse my room would be 'cool' in her eyes.

Then, I could see it in her eyes, Mina had what you'd call a 'light bulb moment'. I guess I wont be having time to myself today... I sigh.

"Girls..." Mina started "Sleepover. Here. Tonight." Called it.

And so it was. First night in the U.A. spent with movies and pillow fights. I have to be honest, I haven't had this much fun in years. Then...

"Alright! Truth or dare time! Who's first?" Mina pitched in, trying to break up a 'Milk doesn't go before cereal' argument. And I have to say, it worked quite well. Also, growing up the way I did, I've never actually played before. This should be interesting.

About 30 minutes into the game and we have had many things happen, and MANY things revealed. For example:
-Jirou and Momo are now dating because of a crush reveal
-Asui had to cross-dress (and she rocked it)
-Uraraka had to use her quirk to make herself float while we spun her around
-I confessed to dating a guy in middle school (he was a total dick and I sometimes catch him following me)
-Mina had to do a dance of our choice. THEN she forced us to do one with her.

I am SO tired. It's now like 10 o'clock. My missions can sometimes go longer into the night, and I'm usually up binge watching anime, but this was different. I guess making friends while I'm here won't be such a bad idea afterall...


The second day of the weekend was spent inside again. I made friends with Eijiro and Denki, Mina and I are also, quite literally, the best of friends. They say that now that I'm friends with most of them that I am now part of the 'Bakusquad'  and I have to say, Bakugo was NOT very keen on the idea.

One thing I can't ignore though, is Todoroki. I have to be honest, I think he's onto me. He did say at one point that my last name reminded him of something be he couldn't quite figure it out. Others have said that he has been more friendly to me than he is with most. Sure! If friendly means death staring at me when no-one is looking, or continually questioning me about if I wasn't who I said I was, then he's definately 'friendly'. But I will have to keep him away, my eyes are still on observing bakugo.

I've noticed that he stays away from everyone, unless it's the Bakusquad trying to annoy him. More secluded than I thought, and definately alot more rude.

"Y/N are you listen-" Mina cut herself off after looking at what I was staring at.

"No... way..." She said, "do you like Bakugo! Damn Y/N, second day and you're already crushing on someone. Gotta be a new record." Mina smirked. Yeah, as if.

"Yeah, no. More like 'second day and I can already tell he's a jerk by the way he talks to people'. He may or may not be a little hot but there is no way I would like someone like him." I say.

"We'll see, Y/N, we'll see..."

I was NOT going to here the end of this, that, I can be certain of.

Word Count: 1112

True to yourself | Bakugo × Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now