An explanation

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Bakugo POV:

It's been about three hours and Y/N hasn't woken up yet. I even managed to get some sleep.

I look over at her for the 20th time that hour. Her arms and legs were now bandaged because she was all beaten up when she got back- only her arms and legs. (I know what your thinking)

I hate to admit it but although I may somewhat care for her, but I'm not like that grape-headed creep, I know my boundaries. It did have me worried though. 'What happened to her out there?' Was the only thing I could thing about.

That was until I small groans from the body laying on the bed, signaling to me that she was finally awake.

"Arghh, what the hell? Where am- oh." She recognised the place she was in.

"Oh? That's all you have to say? After popping up infront of me all battered and bruised!? I practically saved your ass!" I say, now pissed off.

Your POV:

"Save me? Yeah, right! I'm used to it! I can take care of myself, thanks." I let my tounge slip. Once I realised what I said I quickly slaped a hand over my mouth.

"What..? You're meaning to tell me that this happens often!? That's it. You're explaining to me right here and now whatever the fuck is going on." He was now practically overflowing with a sort of rage.

I take a couple of deep, needed breaths before I sigh.

"Well, what have you figured out?" I ask. Best to expand from there.

"Tch. Nothing much. Just that you likely kill for people." He rolls his eyes, clearly not understanding why he had to point that out.

"Ok it's- something like that. Where should I start..."

"From the beginning, dumbass."

"Well ok then. I, like most people, wanted to be a hero. When I was about three and a half, something felt off about how my dad acted. So, in all my wanna-be-hero glory, I decided to investigate.

I snuck into my parents room while they were at work one day and had a look around. I found nothing that caught my eye. That was until I checked their walk-in wardrobe.

I found a bookshelf that seemed out of place and fiddled around with the books. I was pulling one out, but couldn't manage to get it off past a certain point. That was when the bookshelf started moving, revealing a small passage towards a room.

Wandering down the hall, I ended up in a room. A room filled with knives, guns, swords and basically anything you could kill someone with. It even had poisons in there.

That was the point when I heard a voice from behind me saying that I shouldn't be in there. It was my father.

While guiding me out he said that it was about time I learnt about what 'being a L/N entails'."

"Wait- does that mean it runs in the family? How long has this been happening!?" Bakugo's look of anger was now replaced with one of curiosity.

"Um, I'm not sure exactly how long. Let's just say a really long time.

Anyway, he told me that we had been assassinating people for generations per another persons request. No reason was needed for the request to be met.

Fast forward to my 4th birthday, my father had told me that I could start training, convincing me that we were doing mostly hero work, but better.

The concept was that most of the requests we got were of bad people that the heroes have no care about.

If you were wondering, the heroes don't care about them because they aren't very well known and, unless they cause a scene, won't result in the hero gaining any more fame or money.

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