Study Session

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I have to admit, my house isn't small. Being an assasin has it's advantages I guess, you know, with high pay and all.

Our house is a modern 3 story house. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, two kitchens, a basement and so on.

So yeah, not small, but I didn't expect them to react like... this.

"Hey L/N, why'd you stop? Are we here yet?" Denki asked. Everyone except Bakugo seems to be really excited about this.

"Yeah, dumbass. You'd see it if you'd only turn around." This part confused me because, since I had told them my house was on this street, they had been walking with their backs facing the houses. Bakugo, being the odd one out, had been on his phone the whole trip.

"Well L/N," Sero started, turning slowly as he talked, "we wanted to make it a sort of...reveal..."

Here we go...

"HOLY COW!!" Mina exclaimed, her draw dropping.

"Bro, you didn't tell you were rich." The redhead's face lit up at the sceneryin front of him. I don't think this level of excitement is normal.

"You never asked..?" I have no clue how to react to their reactions...

"Not the point girl, YO BAKUGO, LOOK AT-" Mina got cut off by an ever so familiar voice.

"I didn't expect there to be 5 people..." He stared, deadpan.

"You didn't ask... dad..." Didn't I just say something similar to this? Dejavu?



"Ahem..." Denki interupted, breaking the uncomfortable, lingering silence that had just filled the non-existant room. "aren't we here to study? I don't particularly feel like failing..."

"R-right... studying... yay." Mina adds.
(A/N- Is it just me or is that a total mood)

'Dad' evidently sighs, "Whatever, just come in... I was about to leave anyway, that way you wouldn't disturb me."

Yeah right, probably off on another mission to kill some shitty murder or something.


"Uh... this is kind of concerning... L/N  are you ok? Mentally I mean..." Kirishima asks, clearly concerned about me... for what reason I'm unsure.

"Yeah, uh... why wouldn't I be?" I proceed to question, evidently confused.

"I- YOU... ugh, sis, it isn't normal to have an entire bookshelf full of books that one would use for studying..." Mina facepalms, understanding that I was somehow raised different from the 'normal' kids.

"Whatever, lets just get this over with. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." I start to walk out of my room. Second room to be exact, my main room is filled with an extremely large collection of anime stuff so I didn't want to take them there.

"Hah... where the fuck do you think you're going shithead? You have to study to you know... don't go thinking you're all special... cause you're not." Bakugo stopped me from leaving.

"Ok. 1st thing, never stop me from eating my sweets. 2nd thing, I know these textbooks inside out, there's nothing left for me to study." I explain, brushing his hand off my shoulder.

"What, no way. Ok proove it." Mina said, pulling out an English book at random from the shelf. "What does it say on uh- page 108, paragraph 4 of this book?"

"There are no paragraphs on page 108, just topic revision questions." I answer, then proceeded to successfully walk out the door. The others just stood there, suprised that I had got it right, although Bakugo refused to show such a 'weak' emotion.


Sorry for the short chapter guys!! I just felt like ending this one here ... I will try to make the next chapter longer though!

Anyway, enjoy your day and stay curious!

Word Count: 608

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