Y/N vs 1-A

68 1 10

Starting school today and...
It seems that all eyes are on me again- damn it.

Aisawa wasn't able to oversee the exams because he had classes to teach- and hours to sleep away. So that means that he wants to see my quirk in action, as well as my physical abilities.

"Let's get straight into training. Each time   Y/N beats someone, she will go up against someone else. There is no need to hold back unless you want to- and no killing," he glares at bakugo "you may begin."

No one wanted to come up because they didn't know how strong I was. So, Kirishima did what he called the 'manly thing to do' and went up first. Thankfully I had studied everyones quirks this past week, so i knew how much strength I would have to use, then I would only use that amount for everyone else.

I decided to use a strategy that wouldn't involve any physical fighting. Every time he got closer, I would teleport away, slowly draining him of his energy. I would make sure that I waited 10 seconds before teleporting again, to make everyone believe I had a limit.

Kirishima started to slow down, perfect. We had been going at this for the last 10 minutes and frankly, it was quite boring. Then, I decided to teleport to the edge of our make shift rink, and as expected, he ran at me. I did this because when I teleport away he will stumble again, causing him to go out of bounds.

"The first round goes to Y/N." Aisawa stated, but from where- oh. Then I saw the yellow sleeping bag, forgot that he sleeps in class. (It was on his U.A. profile)

The fight made people think that I would be easy to beat, with my 'limit' and all. So ine by one, they all came up, giving me one boring win after another. Now I'm getting tired- of waiting for a challenge of course.

"OH HELL NO." I heard the angry blonde scream from the sidelines. I knew he was the only one that hadn't fought against me yet, typical.

"Come on bakubro! You aren't scared are you..? To think, I thought you could beat any-" the boy with the golden hair- denki, was quickly cut off by a punch to the face, not forceful enough to do much damage, but still enough to leave a mark.

OI! FIGHT ME." He snapped his eyes away from denki to look at me, well, it was more of a death glare but still.

And so, I repeated the routine I had been using before, but the bastard actually managed to get a few hits in on me.

"You're really pissing me off you know," he growled, "if you think you can go easy on me then you are mistaken." He then sends a blast my way and, out of pure instinct, I teleported. The problem with this was that it hadn't been ten seconds yet, it would have been 4 at most.

"Fine. But remember, you asked for this, Katsuki Bakugo." A little taken back by my use of his full name, he hesitated a bit. Big mistake.

Immediately teleporting behind him, I gave him a testing kick to the back, to see how he handled it. He stumbled forward, then, out of nowhere, he turned around, but didn't attack. In all honesty he just stood there.

He pointed his hand towards the ground and set off an explosion. Then it hit me, I knew he hadn't been using all his strength but I didn't know why, until now. He had left little droplets of sweat along the rink, he hesitated so that the easiest spot to hit him would be from behind. I fell right into his trap. (A/N- I'm not sure if he would be able to do this but it sounded cool so yeah, hooray for made up moves!)

The drops of nitroglycerine went off in a chain reaction. Unfortunately, if I teleport away now I still won't know where he is, and it's getting kind of hard to breathe.

Getting a little to distracted in my thoughts, I couldn't hear him come up behind me.


I was sent flying out of the rink before I had a chance to react. My head hit a wall and just before I passed out, the smoke started to clear up and I could see him. He was smirking at me. Bastard.


I woke up half an hour later in Recovery girls office.

"Ah... you're awake!" I heard the older woman say.

"Now, I haven't let anyone in at the moment," She started to trail off, "because I want to talk about those..." her hand gestured to multiple parts of your body where- oh no...


I ended up having to lie about a couple injuries I had.

"Whatever you say... take care now!" Recovery girl waved me off, the concern slightly making her voice shake.

I walked back to my dorm, oblivious to the fact that I was meant to update my father on what had happened on my first school day.

I followed my nightly routine and went to bed, sleep engulfing my body.

Just before I truely fell asleep, I saw something I knew I wouldn't remember tomorrow- unfortunately.


Word Count: 872

True to yourself | Bakugo × Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now