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Hey guys!

I am truely sorry to those who are enjoying this story but to be honest, I have lost all the motivation that I had at the start.

I am currently planning a story (Fantasy Bakugo × Reader), but it will take quite a while before any chapters start being published.

For those who want to know how it ends-

During the camping trip, they would both realise their feelings and grow closer. Bakugo helps you and your brother out of the situation you were in and your father was arrested. You confess your feelings to him after the chaos settles a bit, and he tells you he will accept, on one condition.

"Look, dumbass, I like you to, got that? But I will only be with you under one condition." He says.

"Just one? Ok then!" You reply.

"I promise to love and cherish you forever as long as you can to. Promise me that ok?" He asks.

You look back at him, "I'm gonna need you to specify a little more." You state, confused.

"Fine. Just..." he looks at you.

"... stay true to yourself, ok?"

You smile, "Deal!"

And that is that!
Again, sorry to those who actually liked this story, but I couldn't push myself to write anymore.

Thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day!

True to yourself | Bakugo × Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now