chapter 1

31 1 9

Xisumas POV-

Xisuma was down in a cave mining. His comunicater dinged. He lifted his arm up and tapped the communicator, pulling up the screen. There was a message from Grian, the newbie. 

Grian whispers to you: X, I need your help. Come to shopping district?

X wasnt surprised. Grian was new. Maybe he needed an explanation or something. Nevermind the meeting all of the hermits had right before the season started, that was basically used as a question and answer seminar. He typed out a response saying hed be there soon. Then he climbed back out of the cave, grabbed some food and went to shoppinf district. 

He arrived. the shopping district was pretty much bare at this point X caught Grian off to the side and called out to him. "Hey Grian!" He said with a wave. Grian turned to him. He waved. Xisuma ran over to Grian. "What do you need?" 

Grian gestwered with his foot to a sea pickle that was lying on the ground. "I have no idea why but this pickle refuses to let me pick it up."


"Could you... show me?" x asked. Grian nodded. He bent over to pick up the pickle. But when he laid his hand on the pickle, his hand phased right through it. X gaped. Grian tried to pick it up with the other hand. His other hand passed through it to. "That... is not normal," he stated.

Grian chuckled, but not really in the "this is hilarious" way. "no it isn't. I've never had this problem before." He admitted. He kicked the pcikle, but his foot went right through it. He shrugged.

X narrowedd his eyes He leaned down to pick up the pickle. He picked it up just fine. He held it up with an confused expression. "Hm. Works fine for me." He glanced at Grain, then back at the pickle. without warning he chucked the pickle towards Grian, not giving him time to react. The pickle went right through him. 

Griann jumped at the pickle going right through him. "Woah! Warn me next tie!" 

X nodded distractedly. "Yeah sure sorry,' he muttered. He pulled out a sheet of paper from his inventory . It was a form. Grian had filled it out when he was applying to join hermitcraft. Maybe the other hermit had written something downthat X didnt notice?

He scanned the sheet to look for something that he didnt notice before. It listed Grians name his former occupation-- admin ofthe Evo server-- and that was pretty much it. No past records of glitches. No reason for this to be happening. It was as if the server wasnt recognizing Grian as a person. "You have no idea why this is happening," x confirmed.

Grian noded. 'nope." he said with a shrug. "All news to me." 


Grian folded his arms. "I never had issuses when i was admin." he said, "ive never seen anything like this before." 

X hadnt either. "Ill look into it." he promised. He turned to walk away but nearly tripped on a blue parrot that was sitting on the floor pecking mindlessly at seeds. "WaH-" He caught himself before he fell. He turned back to grian, waved and disappeared behind a shp.


Grians POV-

Grian watched X take off. He let out a sigh. He had an inkling of an idea awhy this was ahppening. He looked at his watch. A message was supposed to come in soon enough. Well, it was supposed to come in an hour ago. Grian was supposed to met up with that mumbo one. But apparently that wouldnt be happening. How was he supposed to win over the other hermits if they wouldnt give him the time of day?

they were making his job of abducting xisuma so much harder than it needed to be.

Grian opened his blue translucent wings. He began to fly back to his starter base. If he wasnt going to be chatting with Mumbo he might as well dosomething productive.

~Writer's Notes~

This hurts.

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