Chapter 2 :]

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rewrite of the original chapter 2, I prefer this one more

It was his fault.

It was all Hajime's fault.

Nagito didn't come back that night, all because of him. It was around three in the morning when he received the phone call, a distraught Chiaki sobbing into the line. He took the entire situation into his hands immediately, bolting out the door with his coat halfway on.

Did he care about Nagito? No, he just wanted Chiaki to be happy. He felt obligated to prove himself as a good friend in that manner, by doing what she needed the most. Hinata's goal was to find Komaeda, for his best friend's sake.

Within a few minutes, he was on the road after letting Chiaki know what he was doing. Hajime drove around for a few minutes, heading to all the places that they'd hung out at before. 

It was pretty much silent outside, the faint sound of crickets and the car engine. It was just striking dawn, the originally pitch-black sky turning into a colorful plethora. The street lamps were still illuminated, only a few hikers outdoors at this time of day.

Hinata was trying everything not to fall asleep, his eyes began droopy just to snap back open again. He considered leaving it until later, but that would make it seem as if he didn't care. He didn't, although at least wanted to make it seem like he did.

Hajime was still shocked at the force the pillow Nagito had thrown yesterday, it was such a hard hit from such a soft object. His nose still stung slightly, Hajime thought that Nagito didn't really contribute to anything, he was fragile and skinny - one punch and he's out. However, that was a misinterpretation, clearly. 

It was the first time in a while that he had actually slept in his own apartment, he'd usually sleep at Chiaki's with the occasional dirty look from Nagito.

He and Komaeda had only ever argued a few times, this was the only time it had gotten THIS serious. Hinata felt as if Komaeda would constantly bother him about one thing, and even weeks later he'd continue going on about the same thing.

Quite obviously, Hinata would snap at some stage, immediately causing another argument to break out. Hajime didn't like the constant atmosphere that Nagito placed him into, although he did add to it quite a bit, by constantly wanting the last word in every fight and not giving it a break.

Would he ever admit that? Nope.

They were as bad as each other, their words would clash way too much. How did a few shots of alcohol even make their drunken states commit to that? Surely, even if they weren't sober, they'd still have a thing against each other even if they weren't totally conscious in their bodies.

To Hajime, Nagito was nothing else than an untrustworthy, despicable, selfish bastard. The guy had never taken into account that Hajime wasn't bloody interested nor had any intentions with Chiaki, overprotective brothers are one thing but straight-up possessive ones are a whole different story.

Was that even possessive? Probably not, he just hated Hinata's guts and needed an excuse for it; Komaeda's tough-guy persona that he was flaunting got on Hinata's nerves like never before.

Nagito had only ever seriously injured Hajime, the one time he purposely slammed a door in his face, making sure it hit him. Hajime came out of that with a bruised, swollen top lip and a nearly broken nose. He was pissed for the rest of that week, even with Chiaki's medical comfort.

Hajime stepped out of the car, stopping at the beach. He walked around for a few minutes, the sand particles beginning to seep into his shoes, a terrible day to be wearing trainers. Although, he was planning to go to the mountains as part of the search, so not really the worst idea.

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