Chapter 4 :]

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this story is coming to an end i think, so u already know smut is coming up in future chapters

Hajime took a sip of his hot chocolate, he really had missed having sleepovers with Chiaki.

Having returned from town a few hours ago, Nanami was still babbling on about Sonia. Who wouldn't? They really made a connection, who knew a princess-like role model could make a sleepy game addict fall head over heels?

Hinata leaned over on the kitchen counter, propping himself up with his elbows, he listened to Nanami attentively. "Are you going to text her?" He asked.

Chiaki let out a gasp, "I forgot about that! She ended up giving me her number instead of the other way around, thanks for reminding me!" She rushed to grab her phone by the sink. "I wouldn't want her to think that I'm not interested."

"You're welcome, where's Nagito?"

"Ah, he gets off work soon I think. He should be back before eight."

Hajime nodded, taking another gulp of his drink, he didn't want it to get cold. "What's the time now?"

"Eh," Nanami glanced to the clock on the wall. "Ten to seven."

Hinata had no idea that Komaeda actually had a job, earlier today really had him caught off guard. He was the same age as Hinata, and had a full-time job, didn't he have college work to do?

"So he should be back soon?"

"Hopefully, he sometimes runs a little over time." Nanami's phone dinged, she quickly answered the notification. "Why do you ask?"

Sonia had ended up texting back, it was a simple exchange of 'hello's although it was still enough to get Chiaki's blood pumping.

"Just wondering, feels weird being here without someone giving me the death stare."

Nanami snorted, on the urge of chuckling.

"Aren't you guys okay with each other now?"

Hajime hummed in a thinking manner, "Not really, it kinda depends. We only have like a few minutes a day where we're somewhat nice to each other."

Nagito had just entered through the front door, however neither of them noticed over the sound of their chatter. He kicked off his shoes and was about to dash past the kitchen, although he paused.

He listened in on the conversation, listening as Nanami asked something out of context - it was obvious who it was about, though. "Do you like him?"

"In what way?"

"You can be the one to specify that."

Hajime lowered his head, his hot chocolate had gone beyond cold now. "I just want to be his friend,"

"For now?" Chiaki was being unreasonably suspicious, what was with her?

"No, just friends."

To save any embarrassment on the other's end, Komaeda took a few steps back to the front door, opening it just to slam it again; he wanted to make sure it was loud enough, at the volume to make it seem as if he had just arrived home.

"Here he is now," Chiaki whispered, her voice becoming audible to Nagito as she called out. "Welcome back, Hajime is here as well!"


Komaeda hit the top of the doorway with his hand as he walked into the kitchen, "What are you guys talking about?" He quite obviously knew the answer, they didn't know that though.

The best friends shared a look, before Hajime spoke up. "Nothing, just Chiaki drooling over Sonia." He erupted into laughter when Nanami slapped his arm in a joking way.

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