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Thick branches slapped my face harshly, I could smell the thick scent of center and wet ground as I ran as fast as my body would move.

I glanced behind me as I ran seeing the slight outline of a group. It spurred me on to run faster. I saw a clearing in the distance that I sprinted toward frantically. I kept glancing behind my back anxiously.

I grinned as almost made it to the clearing maybe I could lose them here.

Then I tripped.

I tried to quickly stumble back up but it was too late the small group was in the clearing with me. Their swords were drawn pointed right at me.

"You thought you could run? You won't antagonize our village any longer."

"I haven't touched your miserable little village!" I hissed angrily. A masked man stepped in front of the angry man who first spoke.

"We know you did. Who else would've? Our stuff goes missing, Our livestock too? And then we see you horns, sharp teeth, just randomly here? I Know a monstrous thief when I see one."

I glared at him. "I. Didn't. Touch. Your. Village."

A guy with a white bandana jumped forward a bit. "Then who did huh? HUH?"

"I DONT KNOW!" I exclaimed irritation growing. There were two other people other than the mask man and headband. A guy with weird glasses, a guy with a red camo head covering, and a guy hiding his face with a black and red hood. The red camo one stepped forward as the masked one stepped back.

"Ponk deal with this. The rest of us have to find new cows." the masked man commanded irritated.

The red camo man who you now knew was ponk stepped forward. The others left trailing behind mask man.

You looked up at ponk who was pulling out a crossbow.

"Wait wait wait! You can't kill me!" I Quickly shouted scampering back.

He shrugged. "It looks like I can and honestly it looks like I will."

I sucked in a breath and made a break for the woods. I could hear wood clacking and him chasing after me. I ran in zigzags hopeful I could escape. I was wrong. I felt a sharp pain as an arrow went through my chest.

A white light blinded me and my entire chest felt as if it had been lit on fire. Finally, my vision returned as I went down into the dirt. My wrist seared with pain and I quickly looked to see two red hearts and one now black one.

Ponk stood above me and he glanced at my wrist aiming his crossbow. "One down, two to go."

I panicked as his hand moved and in a split second ponk was on the floor a sword at his throat.

A man with large ram horns had him pinned. He was grinning.

"You know this is my land right ponk?"

I quickly stood up and stumbled back a bit. My chest burned as I quickly realized I had a small injury there still. The arrow seeming to have disappeared.

"I was chasing a criminal." Ponk answered coldly.

"This small girl? Criminal? Alright, sure, and one day ill be the president." He chuckled.

"Listen just let me take her and we'll be out of your way-"

He made a thoughtful face and glanced at me. He gave me a grin.

"How about....No. I think she'll stay. Now get the hell out of here." HE finished with a growl. Ponk glared at him and looked frantically at me before sighing and putting his crossbow away. He then walked in the opposite direction.

"Dream won't like this schlatt."

The guy who was now named schlatt grinned manically. "Perfect, tell him ill be expecting him."

Ponk pulled a green orb out and threw it. A second later he was gone. Leaving schlatt and myself. I turned to him. "Thank you um-"

He cut me off. "I don't do thanks. Just don't mention it...like ever."

He walked over and held a hand out. I took it shakily and took my weight off the tree. he started leading me away. He kept glancing between my wrist and my horns.

"I've seen a lot of horns before but only one pair like that...You're not any normal hybrid huh?" schlatt asked as we approached a cottage.

"No...I'm kind of unique, honestly, I couldn't tell you what I am...haha," I answered very awkwardly.

The silence that followed after that was crushing. I spoke up. "You're an erm..ram right? Thats pretty cool..."

He raised an eyebrow but smiled. "Yeah, it is pretty interesting..." His eyes were back on my wrist. "What's it like?"

"What's what like?" I asked curiously.

"Dying...Is it terrifying...or I mean was it?" He opened the door to the cottage and lead me in sitting me down at a wooden table before starting to rummage around as if looking for something.

"It definitely is...and there's this light it's almost blinding...It's crazy.." I ran a hand through my hair. My thoughts were scattered as I recalled the event.

Schlatt walked over with a bottle with a pink liquid and reared his arm up before throwing it at my feet. I Let out a yelp as a pink puff poofed infront of me. The pain in my chest slowly subsided and the pink faded away. I looked at schlatt and he walked towards me.

"You know i never caught your name." He pointed out.

"Well When you get murdered your first thought isnt commonly introductions." I replied with a little smirk.

Schlatt jumped as the sound of dogs barking could be heard in the distaance. He scurried over to a wall and pulled a painting foreward. There was a long stone tunnel.

"You need to leave. Go through this and find the house thats shaped like a ball. Ask for wilbur, Tell him that schlatts cashing in that favor."

I glanced at the tunnel and then schlatt before quickly climbing in and moving forward. I froze and looked back. "Y/n" i called to him.

"Get the hell out of here Y/n!" he chimed back closing the painting.

I did that exactly.

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