Chapter 14

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I woke up to the light streaming in through the window.  I turned to the left and saw Schlatt was already gone. With a quiet sigh I slid out of bed and trudged to the shower.

I grabbed a warm towel and put it on the rack then stepped into the shower. The warm water stung my lip.

I rubbed it gently and the dried blood now moistened by water,  smeared on my thumb. Then I rinsed the ash and soot off my body, Washing last nights sins from my flesh.

I turned off the water and stepped out to face the day. To my disappointment Schlatt wasn't in the apartment at all. I sighed instantly deciding to skip breakfast.

I opened to door and jumped back at the sight of Quackity leaning against the wall.

"Morning, you ready to talk?" He instantly pressed.

I held back an eyeroll and kept a neutral face. "I actually need to get to my office, I have work to do."

He put on an obviously fake smile. "Great I'll come with you."

I tried to hide my displeasure and trudged toward my office. Quackity walked beside me.

"So what happened last night, you obviously didn't trip and if you did it wouldn't bust and bruise your lip like that." Quackity jumped straight to questioning.

"Your right I didn't trip, but personally your not my mommy so I don't think it's any of your damn business."

Quackity glared at me. "Yeah but in case you haven't noticed, I've made it my business."

I felt my irritation growing. I had no reason to keep what happened from him but his persistence made me feel like I shouldn't tell him.

"You know I have noticed, and you kind of do that with every aspect of my life." I blurted in frustration.

He looked shocked and furrowed his brows in an angry glare.

"Yeah well someone has to take care of you! Lately no one does, not Wilbur, not tommy, not Schlatt, Hell you don't even take care of yourself!"

I stopped in my tracks and grit my teeth. "It was dream."

He froze as well. "What."

"Dream busted my lip. We had a small disagreement in the forest and he back handed me, I burned his arm in return though so we're even." I sighed giving Quackity his long awaited explanation.

I continued on my way to my office and opened the door. I looked back at Quackity as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Dream hit you!?" He asked in outrage.

I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off.

"Who did Dream hit." Schlatt echoed.

The smell of expensive cologne and cigarette smoke filled the area and I glanced to the side a little further to see my lover approaching.

I turned my face to the side to hide my lip. Before I could calm the situation Quackity escalated it.

"Dream hit them. Last night. After letting them lit Nikki's bakery on fire." Quackity instantly answered.

Schlatt got closer to me and grabbed my chin pulling me to face him. I put on a lopsided grin. "I thought it made me look tough." I said trying to ease the tension.

He grit his teeth but smiled back at me. "I wouldn't say tough."

Quackity's face turned red. "THATS IT? THATS ALL YOUR GOING TO SAY." He exploded.

We both turned to him in a moment of shock. Schlatt raised an eyebrow. "Let's go talk, darling I'll come take you to lunch in a bit."

He gave me a charming smile and took Quackity by the shoulder. I tried to muster a smile back but everything felt tense.

By lunch my hair was a mess from my hands dragging through it. I spun around in my chair and glanced out the giant window. Out in the courtyard Tubbo and fundy were sparing.

The leaves were starting to fall and change to an orange hue. I looked further out, beyond the courtyard. The trees of the woods I fled to so often swayed like arms. They seemed to be beckoning me with their swaying limbs.

My eyes locked onto a shadow. It seemed to be smiling at me. I leaned forward squinting at the woods.

The sound of my door opening made me jump. I spun around to see Schlatt stepping into my office.

I glanced back at the woods but there was nothing there.

"What we're you looking at darling." He asked coming up behind me.

I shook my head. " just a deer I guess."

"A deer huh?" He asked leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Just a deer."

He grinned and kissed me again. "Well instead of looking at deer how about you look at me?"

I leaned up and met his lips with mine.

"With pleasure."

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