Chapter 3

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I stood back stage constantly glancing back at tommy as people filed into the area taking seats.

We were waiting till midday to announce the results. I had been there for a while now. Wilbur approached me with a smile.

"I just want to let you know that there are no hard feelings, and that if the stuff with Alex doesn't work out I welcome you back with open arms." Wilbur offered.

I swallowed. "Ah well thank you but I don't think I'd come back."

"Listen if this is all because of how things ended I promise I've changed in the past two weeks y/n I have a new perspective, we could make it work. me, you l'manburg. It'd be perfect."

I inched back a bit. "No it really wouldn't."

He took my hand. "Come on dear. Your stuck in the past...let's have a future."

I tried to take my hand away but his grip tightened. He placed a hand on the side of my face.

"Come on y/n please, you need me, I mean I've been heartbroken and you are just so weak, I just want to protect you? Don't you see that?"

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I was choking on my own silence. My breathing grew heavy and labored. I couldn't get any air.

He tightened his grip digging his nails into my wrist. I winced and my eyes were pleading.

Before anything else could occur an arm wrapped itself around me. "Is everything okay here?"

Schlatt had jumped to my aid. He held on firmly and smiled.

Wilbur instantly let go and smiled. "Absolutely just chatting with y/n here...we're quite close, how do you two know each other."

Schlatt smiled. "Ah well we go back a while but we've just recently become romantically involved."

Wilburs smile fell. "Is that so?"

I was still trying to catch my breath. There was a ringing in my ears and wilburs cold gaze was making things worse. He looked me dead in the eye.

"Well I suppose I should go get ready, best of luck." He chimed walking off.

Schlatt instantly turned around and lead me the other way. He led me out of the back stage area and out into small grassy area behind it.

I immediately slipped out of his grasp to the wall. I leaned against it and tried to get some air. My body shook.

"Hey hey breath, are you okay? You need anything?" Schlatt asked instantly.

His attitude was completely different from the previous night. It was now similar to your time together in the forest.

You shook you head no.

"No to the okay or no to the needing anything?" He asked quickly.

You stayed silent and shook your head again. He slowly took your hand he flinched a bit as he did.

"God you are ice cold shit-"

He let go and shrugged off his suit jacket before throwing it over me.

"I- I am always this- this cold." I finally managed to choke out holding onto my injured wrist.

"Look just keep the jacket for now, I'll get it back after I win this bitch, here's this if some one other than me or Alex approaches you throw it at them." He responded handing me a bottle full of green iridescent liquid.

I didn't respond.

"You have some explaining later. I know you don't trust me but for right now, please have some faith."

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