Chapter 13

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I sat in the main lounge with Tubbo and Quackity. Quackity was pacing and rambling about something. Meanwhile Tubbo was treating my burn as I tried to wipe ash of my arms and light a cigarette.

"Why the hell was dream even there! Schlatt hates Dream, hell most of us do!" Quackity burst out.

"No idea...Schlatt was just betrayed I mean how would you feel?" I muttered still trying to light my cigarette to no avail.

Tubbo took the lighter from my hand and lit the cigarette. I muttered a thank you.

"Sure okay betrayed but- I mean Dream? He is the worst and-" he paused turning to glare at you.

"What the hell were you even doing there, you aren't even supposed to deal with that kind of stuff!" Quackity shouted.

"Dream asked me to come along. Schlatt didn't object so I did and while him ponk and fundy delt with the traitor I burned the building." I replied. I took a large puff when I saw his face twist.

"Schlatt was okay with you, one life left, being in a fire." Quackity barked.

"Listen I'm not some fragile princess and if your just gonna sit here and act like this I can leave!" I snapped.

"Yeah well your definitely not the toughest either, I care about you and that was blatantly stupid!"

I stood up abruptly startling Tubbo who instantly flinched back.  "We can talk about this when you have calmed yourself down, cause right now your asshole is showing." I asserted.

I turned the other way and stormed off heading out of the building and going to escape to the woods.

I walked finishing my cigarette and dropping it on the spruce floor. I walked till the trees thinned and I was at the cliff. It looked over a field.

I sat on the edge in the silence. I was irritated with Alex's reaction.

I lifted sticks and dead leaves lighting them with my lighter and dropping them into the expanse below right as they singed my finger tips.

I stared below me watching the glowing embers blow in the wind. I didn't move until the crack of a branch made me jump.

I spun around to see blond hair and a ominous smiling mask.

I jumped up swiftly reaching for my sword before quickly realizing I had left it in the lounge.

"Relax" he purred. "I'm not here to cause any harm. Honestly the past is in the past...right?"

I nodded slowly not relaxing.

He moved forward making me tense and took a seat on the edge. He motioned for me to join him and after a moment of hesitation I did.

"You know me and you aren't so different."

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. "Personally I think we are."

I could see the corner of his mouth raise where the mask and his face separated. "You don't know me though."

"And you know me?" I countered.

"On a personal level maybe not, but I do know you y/n, I know you better than you could ever imagine."  He vocalized.

His hand moved up and removed the mask from his face. He turned to me and I tried to keep shock off my face.

Other than a large scar going down the left side of his face his complexion was clear and his blond hair fell freely into his face.

I cleared my throat. " why are you here."

"That is the magic question isn't it." He inquired.

Before you could say another word he spoke again.

"I feel like you fear me, do you? Do I make you uncomfortable?"

I shifted awkwardly not replying.

He grabbed my chin turning my face to look at him. "I asked you a question."

I tried to pull away but his grip was tight.

I pulled out my lighter and sparked it near his arm. He instantly pulled back at the feeling of heat.

Dream grabbed me by the fabric of my shirt and pulled me up. "Now why'd you have to go and do something like that?"

I went to thrash when he back handed me. My lip stung and I could taste copper. Angers tear burned my eyes.

"Now that is what I like to see. What else should we do?" He gushed.

The saddening rustling of leaves and voices made us both freeze. Dream dropped me onto the ground and quickly glanced down at me.

"Looks like we are out of time, until we meet again."

Before i could react Dream whipped out an eye of ender and tossed it into the woods in the other direction. With a flash of purple he was gone.

Tubbo emerged from the trees. "I thought you'd-" he froze and Quackity emerged from behind him.

"Your lip!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"What about her- oh shit what happened!" Quackity blurted.

I stood up and wiped the corner of my mouth. "I'm fine just tripped pretty bad earlier."

"Yeah as if I believe that, do I look like an idiot." Quackity scoffed.

"Well even if they are lying they obviously don't want to talk about it!" Tubbo retorted.

"Let's just get back home and we can talk about it later." I breathed.

Both agreed and led me back to the White House. I got cleaned up and by the time I made it back to the penthouse Schlatt was already asleep.

I sat on the balcony and stared off into the distance.

For a moment I swore...

That I saw eyes staring back.

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