Chapter 2

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"You know its kind of shitty how I keep finding you in these types of situations." He chimed looking down at me.

Tommy glared before quickly backing away more. "This doesn't involve you." He pointed out coldly.

"well tommy it does now."

He glanced at me once more before quickly booking it in the direction Wilbur ran in a while back.

Schlatt turned to me and kneeled. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah he just got my face pretty good, ill live dont worry." I quickly tried to stand up. Schlatt grabbed onto me and put his arm around me, he then started leading me away from the stage. My face flushed and I slightly flinched at the human contact.

"where are you taking me?"

"To deal with your face obviously. I mean you are bleeding everywhere..." Schlatt replied.

My hand moved up to my face and I cringed as it touched warm sticky blood. "Oh I guess I am, I guess I didn't feel it because of the strength potion I had, those sons of a bitches have quite the numbing effect."

He led me up to a small brick house and opened the door.  "welcome to mi casa, or well temporally."

"Huh its nice." I told him as I was lead in. In the small area was the same wooden table he first patched me up at. I took a seat.

"So running for president huh?" I chimed glancing at my wrist. I smiled relived i had kept the one tiny red heart.

"Yeah, mix it up a bit right? What about what have-" He spun around while he was talking and he froze his eyes also on your wrist.

"You lost another one." he pointed out blankly.

I smiled pathetically. "I guess I'm not the best at holding my own...ponks a really good fighter too though."

He sighed but flashed a smile and chuckled. "You are something else, now, lean your head back and close your eyes."

I raised an eyebrow but listened. He approached with a bottle of pink liquid, a healing potion to be precise. I closed my eyes and sat patiently. I flinched a bit when a hand brushed hair out of my face and then I could feel liquid on my face. It tingled for a second.

I opened my eyes a second later schlatt was stood above me with a grin on his face. "Good as new. Also you know this is a great view."

I shoved his face away and stood up quickly, I then cleared my throat. "Thank you for whatever this was but i need to find quackity."

"Oh I can take you to him, I know where he is. Went back to some cottage." Schlatt offered.

"Oh that's alright, you've already done so much and you know I don't trust you."

He shrugged and opened the door. "Ouch, but It would be my pleasure, plus i have a few more things to discuss with him, now that we're partners and such."

I froze. "Partners?"

"Yeah in case we lose he was willing to pool his votes with mine as long as he was my vice president and i gave you a spot in my cabinet and protection." schlatt explained with a grin in my direction.

"So That's why you saved me earlier." I told him.

"Oh no-" He corrected. "I just did that because i wanted to, it would be a shame to see such a pretty face die." He flirted with another wild grin.

I cleared my throat again, my face a light pink. "Lets just find Alex."

He led me to quackity who was standing outside his house pacing a bit.

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