Chapter 11

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A few days had passed and I had been feeling a little less stressed. I weened off the smoking a bit but I couldn't completely stop. It made my skin crawl just thinking about it.

I didn't let Schlatt know though. I always smoked with an extra jacket on and carried mints everywhere.

I felt guilty but that feeling just made me want to smoke more.

Every night I came home to him. He did the same thing every night the second I'd walk through the door he'd pick me up. Plant a few kisses on my face and ask how my day was.

Then depending on my answer depended on what happened next. Bad days were hot tea, piano music, and cuddles. Good days got singing loudly, making dinner, and again cuddles. 

Of course there were days he had to work late. Those days he'd leave little notes, he'd cook dinner, and he'd put a sweatshirt in the dryer so it'd be warm me.

Every gesture was so thoughtful and even though some were small they said the biggest things.

I walked into the apartment with a small yawn and in under a minute I was scooped up. Before Schlatt could kiss me I leaned in and placed a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

I smiled tiredly as he glanced at me surprised. He had a rosey blush.

"That's new." He chimed smiling.

"I wanted to mix it up a bit, plus why should you get all the fun." I responded as he kissed my forehead and set me down.

I chuckled a little bit and smiled leaning against the counter.

He peaked at the stove and then looked back at me. "I have a small question."

"Does it have anything to do with the flag change, or the wall, or what currency our country shall use, oh! Or my favorite the recent tax rise." I asked with a small sigh.

He awkwardly smiled and chuckled a little bit. "Long work day?"

"Yeah super long, but what's your question love?" I added a pet name a random burst of confidence.

He slicked his hair back and chuckled. "Alright, how would you feel about moving in with me. You stay here most the time anyways 'love'."

I laughed at his mockery of my pet name before quickly realizing what he just asked. "Oh wait really?"

"No I was just asking for fun." He replied sarcastically.

I gave him a little shove. "Hey no need for that!"

He stuck his tongue out at me and I glared. "Yes, I would love to move in with you I basically only ever come here or nikki's bakery."

He was beaming as he walked over to the stove. "Cool that's cool we can start moving some of your stuff tonight."

I took a seat at the island. "Alright I don't have much though. Just clothes, books and a few house plants."

"Ooo my- wait 'our' apartment could use some life."

That's nice to hear." I told him quietly.

"Yeah I like the sound of it too."

By the end of the night me and Schlatt now had an apartment with houseplants, books on shelves and tables. Schlatt hung my clothes in the closet. I had my own side in the closet.

We laid in bed talking about stuff we could purchase to decorate our home. He was talking aimlessly and messing with tips of my horns. He played with the strands of my hair.

I smiled and yawned. My eyes were half closed and I was about to fall asleep until his finger tips grazed my ear. I tensed up and his hand stopped moving.

"Your ears are interesting. There pointed but they have scars all on the tips." He commented tracing the scars.

"Yeah they're really old."

"Why are they so visible then." He asked looking up at me.

"They were deep cuts." I explained Turing my face away.

It was silent for a moment.

"Where did they come from?" Schlatt asked going back to messing with my hair. He read situations to well changing his body language. It was no wonder he was president.

"My mother. She wanted to get rid of my pointed ears. Thought they looked too much like my dad. I fought back though and left and after that I didn't see my mom again."

He stared at me in surprise. "Mommy issues huh? Well I can relate to that. If it makes you feel better though I think the pointed ears look nice especially with your horns."

I smiled and chuckled emptily. "Well I like everything about you."

He scooted a little closer and gave a little kiss on my cheek. "Your cheesy."

I laughed a bit as his facial hair scratched me.

"Not as cheesy as you." I said shoving him gently away.

"I'm not cheesy! I'm a romantic! Women love me but none can have me." He replied triumphantly.

"That's not true."

"Yes it is!" He argued.

"Then why is it-" I paused and laid my head on his chest.

"That I have you." I finished sweetly.

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