Chapter 5

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The next few days I only ever saw someone if they had a task for me.

Schlatt had me help fundy with tearing down the walls for a bit. Then Quackity asked me to help with a shit ton of paperwork and Tubbo had me help him with turning the old drug van into a memorial.

I had my own paperwork too that I had to work through. It was about changing l'manburg to just manburg. Then with Schlatt wanting to change the flag that brought in more paper work.

I sat at my desk pen in hand going through paperwork piece by piece. There was a light knock at my door.

"Come in." I chimed.

Quackity stepped in his hands full of papers. I instantly groaned and shoved my face onto my desk.

"I'm sorry, I know your up to your neck in papers...maybe you should take a break...go get lunch?" Quackity suggested.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure that's a great idea, then when I come back I'll finish these and have to start on the next fifty that will placed on my desk while I'm gone."

He glanced away. "Just a suggestion...well can I bring you anything?"

"Yeah actually a coffee and a smoke sounds nice. Sorry to snap at you Alex. It's just a lot. I'm sure you and Schlatt are drowning in shit to do."

"Just a bit but me and him are used to the whole busyness this is your first time ever experiencing something like this. I'll grab you a cigarette and a thing of coffee." He replied stepping out.

I sighed and picked my pen back up and got back to work. A few minutes passed and there was a loud knock.

"Come on in Alex." I called out focusing on the paper in front of me.

Out of my peripherals I could see a figure enter I quickly realized it was not Quackity. I looked up to see Schlatt with a coffee in hand. He walked forward and set it in front of me.

"Oh thank you. Did Alex send you because if he did you can tell him to fuck off."

"No no, I saw him getting coffee and he doesn't drink coffee so I asked who it was for and he told me you so I offered to bring it." Schlatt explained taking a seat in the chair in front of my desk.

I took a sip of the coffee. "Good observation skills, did he tell you I wanted a cigarette with the coffee?"

Schlatt chuckled. "No can't say he did, luckily for you I always have some on me."

I smiled as he reached into his pocket. He handed you a cigarette and pulled out a metal lighter. He then lit it for you.

"Thank you sir, man such a gentleman." I joked with a smirk.

He leaned back in the chair. "You know me, gentle man president, kissing babies, that kinda shit."

I let out a laugh and ran a hand through my hair. "Of course, oh my mr president please will you kiss my baby, I know it's fat and ugly but please mr, president."

Schlatt let out a cackle and ran a hand through his own hair. He had this grin on his face that was contagious.

"They always are so fucking fat and ugly though, I'm not even kidding." He told you.

I just laughed in response.

The two weeks I was getting closer and closer to Schlatt. Anytime we'd have a meeting he'd save a seat for me next to him, during lunch he'd come into my office with food or some sort of drink and we'd just talk, and once we even went out for drinks after work.

It made work easier. Doing all of the paperwork for the first half of day was simple because I looked forward to lunch.

I walked down the hall and was stopped by Schlatt.

"Hey you doing anything tonight?" He asked abruptly.

"Other than dreading work tomorrow not a thing." I replied.

"Great meet me at that one hill sunset, dress casual." He then gave a small wink and walked in the other direction.

I continued forward to the little sitting area and saw Quackity. He was smirking.

"Wipe that ugly ass grin off your face." I hissed.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just never thought you would have a date." He chirped mockingly.

I fished a pen out of my pocket and threw it at him. "Mind your own business, don't easvedrop, and also it's not a date."

"Sureeee, it's definitely a date, maybe not in your eyes but in his eyes a hundred percent. You are the only person in the White House he shows any kindness too. Hell he literally tripped me like five minutes ago."

"Maybe it's because your annoying." I replied.

He sighed. "You are so stubborn and oblivious."

"Sure am, anyway I've got to go and finish up today's work, I'll tell you how it went tomorrow" I told him with a smile.

I finished out the work day and went back to my place to get ready. I found a nice light grey flannel and some shorts and a shirt to pair with it.

I walked toward the hill occasionally getting stopped by someone to talk. I walked to the top of the hill.

Seeing Schlatt out of his business attire was startling. He had on a sweater, a blue cap and these big tan boots.

I smiled and waved.

He instantly grinned. "Hey."


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