Chapter 16

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I sat in a room surrounded by tubbo, alex and schlatt. Both schlatt and tubbo were fussing with my hands, Quackity on the other hand was pacing back and forth not saying a word. I sat back and soaked in the awkward silence. Nobody seemed to want to say anything either that or they didnt know what to say. I was slightly irritated with everyones hovering but sucked it up and kept calm as to not spark any fights.

"So...what happened?" tubbo finally asked.

"uh I had a visitor and they didnt use the door...they broke my window and I placed my hands on said window without thinking about the fact it was broken." I explained slowly while pulling my now bandaged hands away from the horned duo.

" A visitor?" schlatt spoke up. I could feel his eyes burning into me and I looked at the floor.

"Yes...Dream stopped uh apologize for and incident a bit ago."

"He broke into your office? Did he hurt you again?" quackity blurted. He stopped in his tracks and gazed at me expectantly.

"No I ended up doing that to myself. He came into my office, creeped me the hell out and left and I guess the lack of sleep made me snap so I just kinda shoved all my shit off my desk."

"This whole dream thing is starting to get a little bit out of hand...Y/N- why is dream even intrested in you in the first place?" tubbo peeped.

"well- thats a loaded question. There are many reasons why...I stole from him once, I escaped an execution he held for me, and I fought him in the war." I replied.

"When you escaped the execution, thats when we first met isnt it." schlatt chimed His face a twist between confusion and foggy rememberence.

"yeah. I guess I owe everyone a little history...especially you." I said looking at schlatt.

Tubbo sat on the ground next to me like a child excited for a fairy tale and Quackity leaned against the wall gazing at me. Schlatt held my hand and gave a nod.

"You definetly owe us, so lets hear it gorgous." he complimented.

Quackity cringed and tubbo giggled softly.

I sucked in a breath and lauched into a tale.

"Way before manburg, or even the war I lived Off in the woods. I hid between trees and lived peacefully in my home. I made arrows and potions and every once in a while when I felt brave id take them into a small civilization to trade and sell them. This gave me things like armor, weapons and other things i couldnt make from my home. While I lived in the forest I had a pet wolf I named clover that was always by my side. I had known about dream for a long time but never bumped into him. Everyone in town had said he was weird, That him and his group antagonized others for fun. I chose to ignore that."

"One day though I did end up bumping into dream. He was polite and oddly cheerful, He chatted with me for a while until he noticed clover. He asked all sorts of questions and though I was confused so I answered. In a split second dream killed clover and started to walk away like it was nothing. In a fit of rage I tackled him. We scuffled for a moment but eventually his group of lackees started to appear so I snatched a bag from him and I ran. I ran like the wind."

"When I finally made it home I opened the bag and found amulets and apples made of gold. I only realized in that moment how bad of a decision it was to take that bag. Instantly I started making arrows and doing whatever I thought would be nessacary to protect myself and this expensive item I stole."

"I had journeyed away from my home one day to collect resources and when I made it back my house was ablaze. Dream and his gang stood in front of it and even though he had his mask on I could feel his eyes piercing into me."

"At that moment I booked it. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I had escaped death that time but not dreams wrath. He started telling people I was a monster who stole from the village and killed their cattle. My reputation was ruined."

"Then one night I was trying to collect berries and I got to close to the edge of town and dreams gang found out. I ran but I wasn't fast enough and that's when I lost my first life and met Schlatt."

I sighed with relief as I finally finished my tale. Everyone was staring at me intently and I brushed a strand of hair out of my face awaiting any kind of response.

"Wow. Dreams a dick." Tubbo stated plainly.

I laughed running a hand through my hair. "Yeah he really is!"

"Thank you." Quackity breathed.

"For what?" I asked leaning my head against schlatts tense shoulder.

"For opening up to us. I know we- no, I know I pry a lot it's just your always so closed off and it makes all of us worry. You don't have to deal with Dream by yourself anymore." Quackity explained.

I smiled softly. "Your right, I don't. I'm sorry I've been making you guys worry I just- I think I just need to take a second and work on everything."

Quackity stood up abruptly and took tubbos arm. "Listen we'll come back in a little bit to check on you guys, but I think both of you could use some you time." He commented leading Tubbo out the door.

There was a click of the door and then just silence I turned to glance at Schlatt. His eyes were piercing into the ground.

"Hey are you-"

He cut me off by wrapping his arms tightly around me. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"What- Schlatt, you have nothing to apologize for-" I started.

"I've been gone so much- I haven't been here- I haven't been with you. You haven't slept, you smell like cigarettes, hell when was the last time I kissed you-" he demanded.

I opened my mouth to respond but paused when I realized I couldn't remember either.

"You mean so much to me, and yet I'm treating you like you mean nothing, you don't deserve this. I don't deserve you." He told me his voice barely above a whisper.

"Schlatt..." I spoke softly.

He didn't respond and instead just squeezed me tighter.

I threaded my hand into his hair and gently played with it as I felt a wetness upon my shoulder.

He relaxed a bit and I lifted his face up to look at me. I smiled softly at him.

He sighed heavily and smiled at me the best he could. "This is a mess."

"Yeah but it's okay. It can be our mess." I reassured.

"Listen tomorrow neither of us are going to work. It'll just be me and you. Whatever you want to do, we'll do it."

I planted a kiss gently on his lips.

"I love you." I told him delicately.

His face lit up as he heard those words. He hugged me tightly burying his face in my shoulder.

"I love you too."

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