What Happened and What should have Been

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I feel weird. Mu Ren thinks as he watches Li Cheng walk away.

How many drinks did I have? Why do I feel sick suddenly? He wonders as he starts walking back to the party room.

Should I call it a night and head back? I really don't want to leave as the party is to celebrate my team's success. It would seem rude. May be I should just stop drinking for sometime. He considers when he's pulled into the group by the Vice President for another shot.

Mu Ren tries his best to refuse but he already feels dizzy and weak and is unable to put up enough resistance. He has the shot and immediately falls back into the couch behind.

Vice President Gao is next to him in an instant with his hands all over him. Mu Ren suddenly hates the touch. He's feeling hot now and his mind is going blank. I need to leave...need to get home.

He gets up to leave but is pulled into someone's arms and is being dragged out of the party. He thinks someone is whispering but cannot register properly what they are saying.

"Take care...home...almost there...here"

Mu Ren has no idea where he is or with who. But he knows that this is not home. He looks at Gao and tries to push him away but there is no strength left in his body anymore.

"Li Cheng" He starts calling out for his friend. I need to get to Li Cheng

The next thing he knows that he's being pushed onto the bed by Gao. Realization hits him now of what's happening to him. He's terrified and starts crying and screaming, trying to push the bastard away with little to no success.

"No! It's hot! It's too hot!" he yelps.

"C'mon baby, I'll make you feel good. I know you want it"

"No! I want Li Cheng." he cries again while trying to get out of his clothes. The heat is burning his skin now.

"Ooh I can't wait to have you. I'll help you with that" Gao says while trying to get Mu Ren out of his clothes.

Mu Ren tries to hold out against him as much as he can while still calling out for Li Cheng. Gao is now on top of him and running his dirty hands all over him.

"Li Cheng....No! Stop!" he says

"Stop calling for him when you are with me" Gao yells and starts sucking on his neck. That would leave a bruise.

There is a loud knock on the door making Gao jerk away from Mu Ren's neck.

"Who is that?" he yells but doesn't get away from Mu Ren just yet. The banging on the door gets louder and louder which prompts Gao to finally let go of Mu Ren and check on the intruder.

"Wait for me baby, I'll be right back"

"No! Go away"


It's so hot! What is happening to me? I need to get back to Li Cheng. Li Cheng...

I can hear Li Cheng. I can hear him.

When Mu Ren opens his eyes, he sees Li Cheng leaning over him. It's him. It's Li Cheng.

Mu Ren jumps into Li Cheng's arms and finally lets his tears fall freely. He feels safe now.

He doesn't know how much time has passed since.. he suddenly feels his heart is throbbing from the heat induced by the drug.

"Li Cheng...I'm so Hot!"

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