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Li Cheng is not in his room again. Seems like he hasn't even come home last night. Again.

Mu Ren thinks back to their last unpleasant conversation in the kitchen. It has been three days since then but nothing much seems to have changed in Li Cheng's behavior. He continues to shun Mu Ren out.

I feel uneasy. I should somehow put an end to this. This has gone on for so long now. Why is it so hard for him to let this go?

Mu Ren spends the whole day going back and forth on how best to bury the hatchet and get Li Cheng to come around, with little to no success. He finally gives up and seeks advice from Xing Si.

"He's still eluding you?" Xing Si seems confused.

"Mn. And It's just annoying now. I wonder why he's dragging it for so long...may be something else happened that night, something that I don't remember..." Mu Ren worries.

"No. I'm sure it's not that."

"How do you know? Did he say something to you?"

"Hmm...No...but I'm sure you are overthinking it. He in fact said we should all meet up for lunch tomorrow."

"He did? He wants to have lunch with me? After avoiding me all this while?"

"May be... he's finally ready to talk to you and clear things out" Xiang Si affirms and Mu Ren forces a smile hoping that it's true.


Li Cheng seems suspiciously upbeat today. He's finally laughing like before. Mu Ren thinks, when the three of them meet up for lunch the next day.

"I thought you were too busy to have a meal with me" Mu Ren snarls at Li Cheng.

"Certainly not. Why would I ever turn down a free meal? I have even prepared a return gift for you"

"What? Are you going to buy me dinner then?"

"Isn't it boring to keep buying each other meals. I have planned something much better."

He's acting odd again. "What is it?" Mu Ren asks

"I have been planning a weekend trip for us. To the hot springs!" Li Cheng starts and is unable to continue when someone calls his name suddenly.

All three of them turn to see a beautiful girl walk towards their table.

"Gill?" Li Cheng greets her.

"Li Cheng! Long time! How have you been?" she asks

"Gill...it's good to see you after all this time. Come meet my friends, Xing Si and Mu Ren" Li Cheng introduces them.

"Are you here with someone? Do you want to join us?" he asks.

"I was stood up by my blind date and was about to leave when I saw you. I just stopped by to say Hi. I really don't want to intrude." she says sheepishly.

"Oh no! You are not intruding. You both don't mind right?" He asks them so suddenly, that they just nod in agreement and Gill sits down next to Mu Ren in the next moment.

"Are you still interested in horror movies? Mu Ren here is the same too. He loves the horror genre." Li Cheng says out of the blue and Mu Ren is for once pleased to know that women favor the genre too.

"You do?" Mu Ren asks her surprised.

"I'm a huge fan." she confirms and they instantly click, talking about their favorite films and favorite scenes.

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