Love Wrecked

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Is this too much?

I've already bought an expensive bottle of wine, and don't forget the beer. Do I really need another bottle of wine?
It's not like we are celebrating anything...not yet at least. Will we be celebrating by the end of the night?

Aaah....Aaah... I'm over thinking again. I don't even know how the night will turn out. Nevertheless, I have to tell him tonight. I have to let him know how I feel.

But what if he has really given up and this time...this time, he rejects me?

Regardless, I'm going to talk to him. I can't hide my feelings any more. It took me a while to understand what I really want, however I'm certain now.

I like Li Cheng. I really do. And I will tell him tonight.

Muren spends another ten minutes in the wine aisle, worrying about that night while still struggling to decide on the second bottle of wine to buy. He had looked forward to spending time with Li Cheng, once they decided to get back to being friend, but either work or Mei Fang had been keeping them apart. After ten days, the three of them finally decided to have the long overdue drinking party tonight at their home.

And tonight is going to be the night when Mu Ren will spill the beans about his feelings to Li Cheng. He has looked forward to this for quite sometime now.

Why am I so nervous? And Xing Si is here. How do I talk to Li Cheng now? How do I even start?

Mu Ren is lost in thought once again, as he hears Li Cheng and Xing Si talking while setting the food down around the small living room table and opening the beer to start the night.

"I'm going to get sloshed tonight. We don't have work tomorrow, so I can drink as much as I desire." Li Cheng says.

"You get sloshed even when you have to work the next day." Xing Si taunts him.

"Hmm...Once...I did that once. And please, next time I want to drink like that on a week night, stop me!" he pleads with a smirk on his face.

"Was it bad that day?"

"Horrible! I could hardly concentrate on work and my head was killing me for half the day. Never going to do that again. Hopefully, I won't have to." he pines looking behind at Mu Ren.

"Hey, this is better. At least you are friends now." Xing Si tries to cheer him up.

"Yes! And I'm fine. I'll be." he sighs.

Mu Ren joins them then, with the wine he purchased and sets it down on the table.

"Ooh! That looks expensive. Are we celebrating something?" Li Cheng asks as he notices the wine.

"You really bought such an expensive bottle for tonight?" Xing Si joins in.

"It's been a while since we spent time together. So I just thought, we needed the best there is." Mu Ren smiles.

"Waah... lucky me! You always say I'm not worth drinking any sort of expensive wine as I don't appreciate it enough." Li Cheng says.

"You still aren't! This is for Xing Si" Mu Ren agrees with him with a smirk.

Li Cheng acts hurt and pouts for the amusement of Mu Ren.

Why is he acting cute like that? Mu Ren thinks when his heart starts racing suddenly.

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