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        What the hell is this scumbag doing back here?  

Li Cheng's blood boils when he sees Vice President Gao casually  walking around in their office building. He forces himself to ignore the  rage bubbling inside him and tries to walk past the asshole.

"Manager Xiao, aren't you going to say hello to your ex-colleague?"  Gao calls from behind, forcing Li Cheng to stop in his tracks and turn  around.

"Long time no see." he greets Li Cheng.

"How...why are you here?" Li Cheng asks him, irritated.

"I was fired from the company, doesn't mean I don't have friends  here. I can come by whenever I want to see whoever I want." Gao says  proudly.

"Whatever!" Li Cheng starts to walk away again.

Gao holds onto Li Cheng and whispers in his ear. "Your anger makes  sense to me now. I didn't understand then. You wanted the same thing as I  did."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Li Cheng growls pulling himself away from Gao.

"Teng Mu Ren. He was your target too, right? You could have just told me, I would have let you have him first." Gao smirks.

Li Cheng is barely able to restrain his anger. He clinches his fist,  ready to punch that bastard again, but holds back when he sees people  passing by, not wanting to create a scene.

"Don't talk nonsense. If I ever see you near Mu Ren again, I will kill you." Li Cheng warns him.

"Don't be so mad, Manager Xiao. You got what you wanted, I still  haven't. And I haven't even repaid you for getting me fired. So keep in  mind that we will be seeing each other soon." Gao threatens him  indirectly and leaves.

        I was such an idiot to think that this was over. That bastard will never let Mu Ren go. How the hell did he even know about us?   

        Does he really have a spy/friend in the office? Then he must  be the one behind the video too. But first, I need to warn TengTeng. I  have to keep him safe.  

        How do I bring up Gao's topic without freaking him out? He  still has nightmares about that night. Nonetheless, I have to let him  know of the imminent danger.  

Li Cheng debates with himself on how best to deal with this, while Mu Ren is blissfully ignorant, watching TV.

"TengTeng, you know that I don't have any secrets from you, right?" Li Cheng approaches him with a drink and a smile.

"Mn." Mu Ren replies absentmindedly, still distracted by the TV.

"And we decided that we won't keep any secrets from each other in our relationship, right?"


"Then...can you tell me what was in the package that you received today?"

Mu Ren is stunned when Li Cheng brings up the package.

" did you know I got a package?"

"That's irrelevant right now!" Li Cheng growls.

"No it is not. You just said you don't keep any secrets from me. So tell me how did you know?"

"Ok Ok my bad. I'm sorry, I apologize. It was something I did before we got together. Don't be mad at me please."

"What did you do?"

"You know that Zoe from your team is dating Cheng, from my team,  right? I...I might have bribed them to give me information about you from  time to time."

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