Dazed and Confused

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What's mine is yours??

What did he mean by that? And what was that...pretending to adjust my seat and touch my hand by mistake? Is he doing this to tease me? This is definitely not funny, I have to speak to him at the hot springs.

I barely slept last night. It's either that Gao's face or Li Cheng's antics that have been keeping me up lately. I thought Li Cheng and I were good now, then how did things end up this way? Why is he acting like this?

I'm already hating this trip.

Mu Ren closes his eyes to catch up on some lost sleep in the car but the endless thoughts keep running in his mind evading any rest. He continues to keep his eyes closed, to avoid any more unnecessary interaction with Li Cheng. He will resolve whatever it is that he needs to when he reaches their destination. For now, he just wants to vanish into oblivion and rest in peace.

He's essentially tired and grumpy after the three hour long drive but is extremely relieved when he doesn't have to share the room with Li Cheng. As soon as they are in their room, he drops the bag and heads over to the balcony, lost in thoughts staring at the sea.

I came here to talk things out with him and now I'm happy finding some alone time away from him? I don't know where to start and what to say. I can't understand what's wrong with me...with him.

"Is something bothering you, Mu Ren?" Xing Si follows him out.

"It's...its Li Cheng...he's being...he's more and more... I can't even describe it. He's just being too much."

Xing Si looks at him confused.

"Like...he looks at me weird, he pays more attention to me now, he complements me for everything, and...and he touches me every chance he gets"

"Does that make you comfortable?"

"I mean...he's always been like that...I never felt this strange before, but now...something is different. He is different. It almost feels like..." Mu Ren pauses unable to admit what he's thinking to his friend.

"Like what?"

"Like..he's FLIRTING. I know, I know, it doesn't make sense. But I have seen him all these years, this is how he behaves when he's into someone. He's always happy and tries to make the other person happy, I just don't understand why he's doing this with Me!"

"How does that make you feel?"

"Confused and angry. At first I thought maybe he's trying to make amends, but now I'm not too sure"


"For ignoring me all these days. He wouldn't look at me or be close to me before and now he's overly affectionate and physical, so maybe he wants to show me that he's same as ever and that he really cares?"

Xing Si smiles in denial.

"Why are you smiling? You don't think it's that? Do you also think he's flirting with me? Or do you actually know why he's been like this?"

"Didn't you come here to sort things out between you two? You better get your answers from him instead of me. This concerns the both of you."

"Both of us?"

Before Xing Si can say anything more, they are disturbed by a knock on the door. Its Li Cheng inviting Mu Ren to head to the indoor hot springs. Mu Ren gives Xing Si one last look and heads out with Li Cheng.

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