The begining

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A/N: This is my first story ever so please don't judge it if it's bad.This dose follow the originals plot line but there is many thing that will happen in this story that did not happen in the show.  i hope you like my story and please tell me how to make my writting better it will help a lot, thank you~


Two werewolf girls and one blonde vampire worked into Rousseau's and sat down at the bar.         "you three back agian huh" Jane-Anne greets with a smirk playing on her lips as the older wolf and young vampire laughs,"yeah me and Hayley are obsessed with the gumbo", the younger wolf giggled as Hayley and the blonde nadded with bright smiles,"Elena has that right,it's so good!",hayley commented,"you know laddies in the 9th ward say my sister ,Sophie ,bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish",Jane-Anne then glances across the room at her sister, who is working on the other side of the restaurant.

"we asked around the Quarter about  their family...",the bonde chirped up Jane-Anne nods,"and?", she asks Hayley and Elena glanced at eachother and sighed,"Nothing. Zero. we can't find a single person who remembers them",Hayley grones out fustrated,"you know girls,people like you were run out of here years ago...",Jane-Anne mentions with a quick look around to see if there was anyone to over hear and tell a certen vampire,"what do you mean, people like them?",the blonde said with farrowed brows.

Jane-Anne walks around the bar to the other side to stand next to Hayley.Sophie watches them.Jane-Anne sets a map on the bar,Elena and Carlione lean over to see what she is doing."In the bayou,they call the werewolves 'Roux-Ga-Roux' [she circels a point on the map.] you head out there, you'll find what you're looking for. Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go".

Elena,takeing the map, thanks and nods at her,smiles,and leaves the bar with Carloine and Hayley.Jane-Anne and Sophie exchange glances, and Janne-Anne reveals that she has several strands of Hayley's and Elena's hair in the plam of her hands.


A car filled with a werewolf, a werewolf dubbleganger and a some what baby vampire, is driving along the rode while Sophie and Jane-Anne are haveing a very intresting talk.

"Don't do it. please. What if i'm wrong about them?", Sophie begs her sister to see reason,but she only shaked her head,"That's the beauty of you, you're never wrong. They are the only why we'er gonna get to klaus, who will be followed by Elijah",Jane-Anne fights back,Sophie gives in and sighs,"Can we  get someone else to do the spell?",she asks lightly,Jane-Anne shake's her head,"Who?,half the witches don't believe you, the other half are too scared"Jane-Anne reminds her,Sophie looks at the ground and takes a deep breath.

"Because they know we're going to get caught,Jane-Anne!"she yell's a bit,"We don't have any other options,Sophie!"Jane-anne snaps back,they join hands.Sophie has tears in her eyes as Jane-Anne spoke her next word,"Now go.You know what you need to do"she hugs Sophie warmly.Sophie nods at her.

Later that very day.Jane-Anne is still at the cemetery at night.She has lit several candels and appears to be preparing a spell, arranging salt in a secific arrangement on a wooden surface.

Meanwhile,Elena parks the car somewhere in the bayou,"Hayley can you just hand me the map?",she grumbles out as Hayley passes over the map,"here you go 'Lena",Hayley smiles,Elena looks at the map.

At the cemetery ,Jane-Anne lights another candel,and the map Elena is holding ignites.

"what the?!, 'Lena throw it!",Carloine screams,Elena did as was told anf threw it out the window,Jane-Anne lifts a smokeing goblet to the table.Elena puts the car in reverse but the car starts to produce smoke and stops working.

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