Chapter 1: Always and forever

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A/N: ok so i was lazy and skiped the whole exchange with cami and the talk with sabine.                  The start of the chapter takes place when Elijah meets Sophie.


Sophie walks out of thr restraurant by the back ally exit,down a few stairs and stops at the small table with lit candles,her cheeks wet with tears,"You got me into this,Jane...",she let out quitely as she tends to the candles.The door behind her sudenly swings shut with a bang and startles her.Wary,she remains still when a figure jumps and she swivels around, but still sees no one.She turns again to see the man who spoke to klaus inside.

"The doors work,you know" she threw her hands up in the air,A voice behind her speaks-it's the other man from inside."You're doing magic?",He questions,she shakes her head,"I'm praying to my dead sister.Go ahead,pay your respects",Her tone darkning.She turns back to the other guy,who vamp-speeds right in frount of her."Don't make this a thing,Sophie.The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne,Marcle wants to know why"

"Oh that sounds like witch business.I'd say ask her yourself,but i guess yuou can't seeing as marcel killed her",she turns to the second man.The first man begins to attack her from behind,but suddenly disappears.She and the second man look up,then turn at the sound of something falling to the ground- a heart oozing blood.The second man looks angry but doesn't have time to do anything  about it before their attacker has thrown him up against the brick building,where he is held by a long stake protruding from his chest.

Elijah straightens his coat."I'm Elijah.You heard of me?" he asks,nodding fervently,nervous she replied,"yes",Elijah shown a tiny smile,"So why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother?"


Sophie and Elijah arrive at the cemetery.Sophie opens the squeaking gate and enters the cemetery.Elijah stops in front of the entry.Sophie turns around."This is sacred ground,which means vampires have to be invited in.But,since i'm desperate...Come on in",She moves aside and Elijah walks right on in."We can talk freely here",Sophie says as they walk down the paths.

"Then i suggest you start talking.What did your sister want with Niklaus?"Elijah stoped in front of her,Sophie sighed,"Isn't it obvious?We have a vampire problem,and we need help.Marcel has an amry backing him.The witches have been trying to fight back.We haven't had much luck,until my sister Jane-Anne met two girl's,werewolfs and a vampire passing through the quarter from a small town in has a special connection to your brother, the other one with both you and your brother" she explained.

"What kind of connection?"He slowly asks with farrowed brows."Apparently,the older wolf sepnt some time with klaus and the younger one spent some time with both of you.One thing led to another and now the special werewolf girl's- their pregnant and the farthers of the childen their carying are yours and klaus'"Sophie told the old Vampire.With shock clear in his eyes he uterd out,"That's impossible...".

"Nothing is impossible when it comes to the originals,especially when it comes to your brother.Think about it- they call him the hybrid,right?",She raises her voice and turns her head."Bring them out!".Three witches come out,standing in formation around Elena and hayley, the pregnant werewolfs,with carloine in the middle of them.Elijah watches the two wolfs with interst and amazment,while Hayley and Elena seems to be a bit confused and really irritated.carloine was just angry and annoyed.

Hayley:"who the hell are you?"


Elijah:"Give a moment,please"

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