Chapter 4: Girl in New Orleans

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Klaus:(voiceover)"My siblings and i are the first vampires in all of history,the Originals.Three hundred years ago,we helped build New Orleans.Now,we have returned to find the city has a new king who rules with the aid of a powerful girl.They've taken possession of my brother,Elijah.A covern of witches want this girl for themselves.They seek to enlist my help,using my unborn children and Elijah's child as leverage,though i suspect they have ulterior motives.So,i've made a plan of my own:I will free my brother,and reclaim the city for my family.Then,i will be king"

Marcel walks through the pews of the church toward Davina's room in the attic,where she is kneeling over where Elijah lays in his coffin.She removes the dagger,and stares at it for a moment.At the Mikaelson mansion,Klaus stares at a large painting in his study while he talks to Cami.

"Over the course of my life,i've encountered no shortage of those who would persume to speak of good and evil.Such terms mean nothing.People do what is in their best interest,regardless of who gets hurt.Is it evil to take what one wants?.To satisfy hunger,even if doing so will cause another suffering?.What some would call evil,i believe to be an appropriate respones to a harsh and unfair world",Klaus says,Drinking some of his alcohol."No offense,but i'm not quite sure i follow why you've invited me here",Cami comments confused.Klaus smiles."Because i enjoy your company.And,i sense that you have the capacity for understanding someone of my...complexity.You see,i returned to New Orleans to investigate a threat posed against me.What i found was two young wemen,pregnant,in need of protection.My brother,always the do-gooder,tried to manipulate me into helping them--he thought it might redeem me.Trouble is ,i've since learned of another young woman--a girl,really,one with vast potential--held in captivity by a tyrant.I want to help all three of these women--protect two and free the other.So,tell me,Cami--does that sound evil to you?".

"I don't believe in evil as diagnosis.I think you have unstable personal relationships,stress-related paranoia,chronic anger issues,fear of abandonment.I think you could benefit from talking to someone.professionally".Klaus smirks in amusement."I think i prefer to talk to you.So,i'm going to offer you a job as my stengographer".

"Okay.What are we writing?",She asks still confused."My memoirs,of course.someone should know my story.And,it will give us time to discuss other riveting subjects,like your handsome suitor,Marcel".Cami mildly offended,stands up."Excuse me?.My private life is--".She gets cut off by Klaus,who interrupts her saying."Your private life is,as it turns out,essential to my plans.You see,Marcel wants you.And,because of that,he will trust you,which serves me.The thing is,the French Quarter is on the verge of war.On the one side there's me and the other ,Marcel.Along with a very powerful witch and an army of vampires".

"WHAT?",Cami shouted.Klaus vamp-speeds over to her,pushes her against a wall,and starts to compel her,while smirking."You're frightened.Don't be".Cami has a puzzled look on her face."i'm not scared anymore.That's...amazing.How did you...?".

"It's called compulsion.It's a neat bit of vampire trickery.I'll tell you all about it.But first,let's talk a little more about Marcel".Cami stares at him warily,but agrees.


Up in Davina's room in the attic,Marcel leans over elijah's coffin and stares at him while Davina looks out the window."This sucker's resilient.He's like a cockroach in a suit.[He pauses a beat].Doesn't matter.Time to give ol' Elijah back to klaus,anyway".Davina turnd to look at him."You asked to figure out a way to kill the Originals.I'm not done!.The silver dagger hurts them,but that's it",She exclames.

"Davina,we've been through this.Klaus saved my life,i owe him one.Since he wants his brother back--".Marcel was cut off by Davina."Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street Music Festival.I wanna go.Please?",She asks.

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