Chapter 3: Tangled up in blue

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Elena and Hayley are sitting cross-legged on the floor in Elijahs bedroom as they read one of Elijah's thick.leather-bound journals.

Elijah:(voiceover)"August 1359.I have noticed a difference in my siblings.Our bond strains beneath the pressure of our life as vampires.Each day removes them further from the humanity we once possessed.My sweet sister,Rebekah,has grown quite indifferent to brutality"

In a flashback to the previous chapter,Rebekah is seen viciously killing the vampires who tried to attack Hayley and Elena in the French Quarter.

Elijah:(voiceover)"However,the true problem remains my brother,Niklaus"

In a flashback to the previous evening,Klaus can be seen pouring gasoline over the bodies of the nightwalkers Rebekah killed to protect the girls,which are piled up in the front yard of the Mikaelson Mansion.

Elijah:(voiceover)"He continues to hide his loneliness with cruelty.Still,i cling to the hope that i,as their eldest brother,can lead them down the correct path,a path charged with the power of a family united.For if i fail,our family's legacy will end in darkness.

Hayley and Elena stop reading and walks downstairs with the journal in her hands(Hayley),to find Rebekah,Carloine and Klaus talking in the foyer."I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me.You know how i love to set things on fire!",She pouts."Was i supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot?.Besides,they wew my responsibility.They attacked the hepless pregnant girl who carrying my child!.And the dobbleganger who's not only carrying mine but Elijah's child as well!",He smirks.Rebekah rolls her eyes."Oh,i am so moved by your new-found sence of fatherly and uncle duties towards the werewolfs carrying the hybrid buns in their oven".

Hayley and Elena joins them."And those werewolfs would like to know the plan is",Hayley stepped in."Well that depens what plan you mean,love-My plan for global domination,Carloine's plan to puch Tyler,or Rebekah's plan to find love in a crule,crule world?",Klaus mocked.Both Rebekah and Carloine simles and grabs a pencil each from the desk beside them and throws it in Klaus' direction.Klaus catches it easily before they could embed themself in his face.

"The plan to rescue Elijah.You know the good brother?.The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back?",Elena sighs."In the front if we're being specific",Klaus smirks once again."You three said that you would grt him back.So is there a plan,or what?",Hayley says getting inpashent."Okay.Well,firstly,marcel is not my mortal enemy--he's my friend.Albeit one who is unaware that i'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter,but a friend nonetheless.And secondly,i daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust.If i had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch,i certainly would of weighed my options a bit differently.And thirdly--[he turns to Carloine and gestures for her to speak]--Carloine,please".

"And thirdly,the plan,as you have demanded,is for Klaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back",Carloine pipes up."That's...that's not the whole plan,is it?",Hayley asks slightly shocked."Please!.Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling,but there is none more diabolical",Rebekah scoffs."And that's only plan A,love!.There's always a plan B".Elena looks at Klaus and says,"And what's plan B?".Klaus grins."War".


Rebekah walks through the Quarter as she calls Klaus on her cell phone.

Rebekah: "Niklaus,for the love of Mary Magdalene,how long does it take to ask a simple question?"

Klaus: "Much longer then you'd think,considering the answer was,as expected,'No'.Marcel's man,Thierry,is suspicious.He thinks you killed ten nightwalkers"

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