Chapter One

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That was all I felt. A scorching pain throughout my whole body. It felt like I was being torn apart and burned alive at the same time.

Make it stop.

Those words kept replaying in my mind. Please make it stop! Someone help me! I wanted to scream out, I wanted to belt my issue. But no one could hear me because..

I couldn't scream.

My vision was blurred, it felt like I was trapped in a small, cold, metal cage.

I tried to move but my body wouldn't allow it. I was paralyzed in fear.

What's happening to me.

I really didn't know what was going on. I was just relaxing peacefully, and the next thing I know I'm in severe pain, not knowing where I am.

Shh someone is coming.

I hear a voice. No, three. "And this is one of the new pups. Very shy, clearly, hasn't moved since this morning."

"Is she ok? She doesn't look too good."

"I promise she's alive."


The first voice was raspy and old, probably belonging to a 70 to 80 year old lady.

The second voice was more soft and feminine, and I want to say it belongs to a woman in her 20s. The third voice only said one word, alright, it was a deeper voice, I say it came from a 20 or even 30 year old male. How do I know this?

I don't.

I needed to get up, escaping wasn't on my mind at the moment, I just needed to move. Mustering all the strength I could, I shakily stood up, swaying slightly due to the fact I was still in immense pain. I realized my eyes were still closed, so I forced them open, only to be greeted with 3 faces. One was a pale, wrinkled face with dull grayish blue eyes. Another was also pale, but was smoother, with a broader chin and bright blue eyes. The third face, in the middle, was...breathtaking. She, for what I can assume, was tan, with beautiful brown orbs and an incredible jawline. She had darker brown hair that was tied back into a tight, long ponytail.

She is pretty.

"Wow, what a gorgeous pair of eyes on that thing!" The male said, grinning.

"I agree, she hasn't looked at me before. Hell she hasn't opened her eyes for me at all." Said the older lady.

"Scott." The tan woman said, turning to the male apparently named Scott, "I think I want this one."

He nodded, and stood up, pulling out his phone. He pressed a few buttons and put his phone up to his ear.

"Brian? Hey. We found one. We are gonna sign the papers and shit and come home. Can't wait for you to see.."

He looked at the lady, who I assume is the store clerk, and asked,

"He or she?"


"Yeah can't wait for you to see her. She is an interesting dog."


Then I realized, I had paws. I had fur. I...had a snout. I was a dog.

I freaked out, of course. I mean you would too if you looked down and you had suddenly become a dog. It's not normal.

I stumbled back in fear, slipping slightly, and falling on my side. I yelped in pain, whimpering when a stabbing sensation went through my shoulder. I jumped and barked again when a pair of hands picked me up and placed me in front of a carrier bag. There was a blanket and a small toy monkey, there were also a few treats in the corner. I felt a gentle hand on my back, and that soft voice coaxing me in. That mixed with the smell of the dog treats made me cave in. I wobbled in and sniffed the food gingerly, before opening my mouth and eating one. I chewed and sighed, it tasted great. Like the smell and taste of a good steak in the wood burning stove. I was about to eat another when a click followed by a flash startled me. I turned to see the tan woman smiling happily with her phone in her hand, she had taken a picture of me eating. She looked up and met my eyes, showing her pearly white teeth.

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