Chapter 10

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Sunlight beamed through the large oak trees, shining a sort of spot light on my body. I haven't been home in 2 days, and the only thing I've eaten is a few grubs and a very small bird.

I was sulking through the trees, occasionally glancing around for any sign of people. I was tired and miserable, and the fact that it rained on the first day didn't help. I yawned and leaned back, stretching, when I heard voices. 

My head whipped around and scanned for where the sound came from. I was about to tell myself that I was going crazy when I spotted a family of 3 people, a  female and a male with a small young'n running after them. 

"I wonder if that lost dog is here David." The female said, looking around.

"I dunno Sharon, we can look 'round if you want." The male, David, said. 

The female, Sharon, stood on her tip toes and looked around the dip of the forest, where I sat. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and she screamed in victory and pointed at my weak form.

"David! David! Look! I found the dog!" 

"Really? Oh shit you did! C'mere doggie, what's her name?"

"Sunny...or no, Skylar. Cmon Skylar! Come to us!"

When I heard her call my name I obliged, hopping onto the large rock to crawl onto the road. David gently grabbed my collar and pulled me to his car, opening the door for me to hop inside.

"Don't worry pup, we are gonna get you home."

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