Chapter Two

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It's been about 7 months since I was adopted by Ariana. She is a very nice person, but she never pays attention to me. There are 9 of us, pet wise, and I understand that it may be stressful, but she makes time for every other pet. The only attention she gives me is when I have to eat, go to the bathroom, or when she has to take me to guard dog training. Any other time she acts like I don't exist. And when I needed her most, she wasn't there.

It's about 5:30 in the morning, and I am feeling terrible. Ariana had already left for the studio and would be gone all day. I woke up to this stabbing pain in my stomach. I was nauseous, I had a headache, and my throat was dry. Cinnamon, Pingoli, and I sleep downstairs on the couch since there isn't enough room for us in Ariana's room. Correction, there is room for me but she doesn't pay attention to me so I sleep downstairs and Cinnamon and Pingoli keep me company. I forced a raspy whine out and Cinnamon cocked her head at me and said, "You alright Sky?"

I shook my head and groaned in pain. "No everything hurts. I need water."

She immediately got up and ran to her water bowl, carefully picking it up, and bringing it in front of my face. I lapped some water and sighed as it soothed my throat. Pingoli had woken up and was laying on my back.

"Are you sick?" He asked hesitantly.

I nodded and said, "I think so. I've never felt this bad before."

"How old are you again? Like a year old?"

"Yeah. 1 year and 7 months."

Cinnamon sighed and snuggled next to me. "That's young. If it's just a cold you will be fine. You are in incredible shape and eat healthy all the time."

"I know." I replied wearily, "I have to be in shape to be a guard dog."

Pingoli snapped his head up as Toulouse and the others walked in, Piggy trailing behind.

"You are probably sick and exhausted because you have been working so hard. You need a break."

Coco clicked her tongue and said, "No Toulouse. Ariana has been working her so hard, and giving her no praise or attention. Poor thing is depressed."

I groaned as another wave of pain hit me, and buried my face into the couch. At this point I just wanted to die.

"Shh. It's ok Skylar." Lafayette said, "Go to sleep. We will make sure you get whatever you need when you wake up."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I shut my eyes and immediately was out like a light.


                                                                        Time Skip

I woke to the sound of birds chirping from the dew covered trees. I sat up and yawned, instantly regretting it as my sore throat throbbed in pain. I squinted my eyes as I looked around. It looked to be almost nighttime, as the moon was peaking through the tall oak trees. I peered towards the clock that sat on top of the table next to the couch, it read 9:30 pm.

"Jesus I slept long" I thought out loud.

"Hell yeah you did. I thought you died."

I looked to my right to see Piggy laying on top of the couch back. He smiled at me with his lopsided teeth. "Feeling better?"

"No, not really. I actually feel worse."

He frowned and flipped his tail. "Shame. I was gonna suggest milkshakes for tonight."

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