Chapter Seven

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I sighed and stretched my sore legs.

Ariana has been personally training me and as nice as she seems, she is a pusher.

She had me run back and forth between her and a marked tree, which in distance was about the width of a football field. I put my head down, panting hard, and tried to get my energy back. Ariana was watching me from where she stood, tapping her foot impatiently. I rolled my shoulder, which was still sore, and took a few steps before collapsing in exhaustion.

It was 90 degrees out, and I was hot. I shakily stood and looked towards Ari, cocking my head when I didn't see her. I glanced around and noticed she had walked over to her backpack, pulling out her phone and a water bottle. She tapped her phone a bit before putting it in her pocket and walking towards me. I stumbled slightly and sat down, almost fainting.

Ariana realized I looked overwhelmed and ran to me, kneeling down and trying to shade my body. She opened the water bottle and gently opened my mouth, pouring the cool liquid into my throat.

"Here Skylar, drink this and relax. I'm sorry for running you too hard, I didn't realize." She said, sounding slightly annoyed.

The water tasted and felt great on my tongue, soothing my hot stomach. I stopped drinking when I had enough, which was 75% of the bottle, and rested my sweaty head on Ariana's knee. She smiled and poured the rest of the water on my head, laughing when I jumped back. I shook my head, beads of water flying off of me, and wagged my tail. I ran past Ariana, up towards the house, and smiled when the cool air hit my skin. I hopped onto the leather couch and drifted off to sleep.

Time Stamp

I woke with a start as I heard a crash and voices curse. I yawned and trotted into the kitchen, frowning when I saw Ariana and some random guy I've never seen cleaning up a broken pickle jar. I flicked my ear and frowned when he pulled Ariana upright and brushed her off, smiling. She gave him an uncomfortable fake smile and noticed me. She shuffled past him and was about to grab my collar when he saw me. He grinned and kneeled to my level, patting my head harshly.

"Hey doggy! You're so cute. What's her name?" He asked, looking up at my owner.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Skylar. It's on her tags."

He smiled and scratched my face. "Cool name for a cool dog." I recoiled at his touch and backed into Ari legs. He frowned but shrugged it off, standing and grabbing his drink.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, see you in an hour?" He said, looking at Ariana hopefully.

She nodded her head and moved so he could leave. As soon as the door shut she let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god Skylar he is the worst." She sat on the floor and groaned. "He came when you were sleeping and would have woken you up if I hadn't told him off like four times."

I snickered and licked her hand, trying to calm her down. She kissed the top of my head and smiled, standing to fill my bowl. Ariana set my water down and patted my head gently, walking to go finish making her lunch. I lapped up some water while Ariana talked about that guy.

"I fully regret doing this PR Stunt. He's an ungrateful little scumbag, no respect. And his name is Willie! Like who names their kid Willie!?" Ariana scoffed, accidentally throwing a piece of chicken in the air. I lepted and caught it in my mouth, making her laugh and clap.

The rest of the night was fine, bar Willie trying to flirt with Ariana, in which she politely declined while Dalton glaring up a storm. It was fine for me, but something about him seemed off.

And I didn't like it.

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